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Claw Tricking


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I hope your drop will be good.


i think you should do 2


So Two Whip and Fury tricks? Will that do? And should I make the accs become targets? or not bother with that and just kill in pvp or bh?


ep for targs for all the dp

best thing u can do, just kill targs. Like rush them or whatever.


Thanks for the advice, should I get a good loot from; Mages Book, Master wand, Regen brace and full infinity?

Then I'll do another trick with dbow, fury and full rune(g)

Y Doorson I

I should trick xfer guides are not trustble i think especial from sythe not Admins scam on that forum...


Prob to late, but tbh, you might as well go pk on the world you died, chances are you'll prob just loot an ancient stat, maybe vls eventually, stay constantly skilling for dp, eping and trainign on that world, lol almost like your home world, then whenever decent ep go kill someone.


Used my ep and dp up on a fucking armadyl stat drop. Fucking gutted, My dp has ran out after a 750k loot


Used my ep and dp up on a fucking armadyl stat drop. Fucking gutted, My dp has ran out after a 750k loot

I lol'd

Shut Up Kid

Its not your first loot right away idiot.. its random.. you'll get an ancient sooner or later.


if ur doing option 2 then make sure you hit EA other, or ull fail like sam did.


Bot for cash, apparently all the cool kids are doing it.


forget about 1mil risks or even the claw risk on zerker i reckon u either keep the cash on zerker or trade it over with crashing items

these things never ever ever ever work out trust me ull be wasting cash

if u don wana do any of these than just sell the zerker with the cash for irl gee pees


watch sam fail  ;)


Dp isn't normally used at such high amounts of ep.


is it even possible to get claws as a drop?

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