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I bad runecraft


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Iv been runecrafting for about 3 days now and gotten 44-60. Since im poor.

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Screenied all other level ups :D, im going for level 80.

Level 65 banked

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Sold about 4k nats, next selling all 33k hehe.

I guess il update this with pictures as i get to 80.

Currently im averaging about 1650 nats per graahk pouch ( im slacking :( )

And about 17k xp/hour, profiting 200k per hour. Il have spent about 3.5m on supplys and il finish with 8.2m in nats and about 8.5 if i sell all glorys etc.


Grats and gl on 80 rc. I got 50 rc for the robes, it was really boring getting it


thanks :P. I found the orb thingy boring too :S

Tap U Hard

gratz =P yeah makin nat tabs are super boring.

gratz :D


Damn nice progress. You'll end with a lot of cash

The Blood Anthem

Dude very nice! :D

Runecrafting is awesome. I covet anyone with that smexy cape!

Y4nk33 D33s

gratz, keep up the good work


Loving it. Good money but boring. I envy you.


that is alot of nature runes lol. but hey hard work pays off right. make money buy supplies own it up in the wildy.

Pures 4 Life-


Stopped runecrafting for a day cause i died twice in abyss while repairing pouches and i cant get a large pouch drop right now ( i took 10 swordfish in and still got the shit kicked out of me ) Moneymaking on my new pure right now :)

Tap U Hard

Stopped runecrafting for a day cause i died twice in abyss while repairing pouches and i cant get a large pouch drop right now ( i took 10 swordfish in and still got the shit kicked out of me ) Moneymaking on my new pure right now :)

named? o.O


O_4_T_Z, its my soulwar noob im making money on :), 84 strength 49 hitpoints. I was 42 hitpoints with 84 str but iv been training a tad.

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