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My new Sig?


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Hey, I have recently been trying out signature making cuz i really wan't to be better at it :) My current signature is the first I've every made and I know it's apauling but i really wanna get better :p I made another sig but i dunno if it's better or worse than my current one so if u wouldn't mind telling me, cheers :) (tips and things much apreciated)

Posted Image <-- thats it :p


not all that bad for a first... Kinda hard to CC, just keep practicing, watch lots of tuts, i know everyone says that, but after watching/trying them out you pick up on things and use them in your own work.


not all that bad for a first... Kinda hard to CC, just keep practicing, watch lots of tuts, i know everyone says that, but after watching/trying them out you pick up on things and use them in your own work.



Thatnks alot guys :) good to have some encouragement :D I'll keep watching tutorials and maybe finaly i'll get to do some good sigs! cheers :)

v hectic v

Not bad for a beginer.


Is that a mith 2h?


Not liking it.


Yeah it is a mith 2h but this is a new acc and im just practicing my sigs :p but if it's not for u then it's not for u :) cheers anyway and thanks guys :)


Nice. Pretty good

Reese l Yourz Purely

Pretty nice for a first try, theres some pretty legend guides on other websites than YouTube and FOE forums, so just Google around.

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