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Maxed Gear


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Due to new TT update, all items are crashing, therefore I'm going to buy maxed 1 def gear once things become more stable.

I just want everyone's advice on what's what to do with the new stuff.

Items : -


Bes Ring (i)

Archer Ring (i)

Seers Ring (i)

Robin Hood Hat

Ranger Boots

Wizzy Boots

Mage Book

Master Wand

Fire Cape

I'm 1 defence maxed with 92 hp and 60 attack.

Please leave suggestions with what to add to this list so I can have best maxed gear for mage range and strength. I want to try and achieve the highest hits possible with all attack styles.


I believe their is guides on what to bring to minis, use the search button


edited thanks for making me look dumb ;)


onxy ring(i)

the ring costs 9-10m but got +6 in every attack in def bonus,

if you dont want to waste that much cash go buy dragonstone ring for 40k and get +5 in all


onyx ring is about 50-100m street although unstable atm i believe.


onyx ring is about 50-100m street although unstable atm i believe.

People sell it for lowest trade atm

Y Doorson I

wotf? wuts (i) dragon stone ring?


wotf? wuts (i) dragon stone ring?



imbued double stats


No wonder onyx ring is rising so fast.

This 2010 shit is confusing.

More and more like WoW.


No wonder onyx ring is rising so fast.

This 2010 shit is confusing.

More and more like WoW.



No wonder onyx ring is rising so fast.

This 2010 shit is confusing.

More and more like WoW.


i'm lost. explain


you could add claws if you want to make a lil more


^ comedian


chaotic staff ( makes u hit 15% more with mage insted of 10% of mwand, bassicly a Sol for 60 atk)

arcane stream: makes u hit 15% more with mage

Halo ( even i dont got this 300 cwars ticks is forever lol) but if u get it its best hat for 1 def lol +11 mage and def bonuses also 3 dif types wich lowers drain rate on certain prayers.

Dark bow


omg not more dung i've kinda given up at 30 od lmao :P

will defo consider, was gona get arcane + tome of frost, will have to get 80 now for chaotic staff!


What are the new TT items lmao


What are the new TT items lmao

They haven't came out yet.

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