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Atack level?

Simple Man

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Well i have maxed out my pure he is currently

50 attack

99 strength

1 defense

99 Range

99 Magic

44 Prayer

99 Hitpoints

I am debating on keeping 50 attack,60 attack,75 attack or 99? Please point and tell me why idk what to do.


I was 60 atk like 2 years

and maxed 60 atk 2-3 months

I got 75 attack few weeks ago and bought ags and IM LOVING IT!

My best rs moments with 75 atk, so fun


Keep 50 and get 45 pray...pretty rare =p


once you go over 70 attack you will go over 85 combat and 85+ combat pking sucks with 1 def and will suck dick

75+ sucks even more

and 99 is just to make ur acc look nice and sucks for pking now

Personally I would stay 50 attack, get 45 pray until you get bored of 50, when you get bored of 50 get 60, but never go past 60 attack =]


50 is perfect as long as you master the gmaul.  if you are skilled gmaul>dds

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