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hey me lemkiis wandering where 2 strain strenght


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hey jiglet B) thx for gotted my bak ha it good 2 no whu the goodest pkers r and not these noobz :wow: :ph43r: :wub: as 4 al u flamen us ur jost mad becaz me and jiglet r maken u jelous becuz we r just butter den u fucqin noobs :lmao: xD u keep flamen ha it dont do nuthin but make u get me made cuz nect time i c u will u regrt it :angry: but kepe the flamez comin bucuz all it doin it makein me made an u don kn'ow how bad i will ownz u geys in bh wen im angry :victory:


hey jiglet B) thx for gotted my bak ha it good 2 no whu the goodest pkers r and not these noobz :wow: :ph43r: :wub: as 4 al u flamen us ur jost mad becaz me and jiglet r maken u jelous becuz we r just butter den u fucqin noobs :lmao: xD u keep flamen ha it dont do nuthin but make u get me made cuz nect time i c u will u regrt it :angry: but kepe the flamez comin bucuz all it doin it makein me made an u don kn'ow how bad i will ownz u geys in bh wen im angry :victory:

u mad =( dont cal me fail pkr plz omfg my 3 def own u hrad 1!11! bu cnat even gmaul spec me to low health bucuz i cnat combo food always cuz u kno XD!!

oh no i got threatened in shit english


go buy a dictionary

Whats the point in buying a dictionary if you can't read english, retard.

Guest Emote|Muse

Unfunny trolls are unfunny, i found your whole "i'm the best pker" trolling to be funny, but now all of a sudden you're pretending you can't spell too? Go away Jiglet you fucking Niglet.

Honestly, you sit on off topic posting image macros as a reply to every fucking topic, I hope you do realize that this isn't 4chan.

Considering you spend so much time on it, you should probably figure out when someone's actually trolling.


fuc u 69 dont flaim me for me spellin unlike ur nerd ase i waznt learned english my hole life jesu ur so sad honstely do u get fellin big about ur noob stats 4 flamin my language? ok well ur never gona be as rich as me or anething so just keep flamin ur digin you're self a hole cuz my clan is aleardy on death watch 4 u s o watch out netx time ur in wild or u will b in 4 a bad wake up wen my hole clan ownsu with dark bow and d slaws

u a ri-tard bro?


ur a good nigga somalia be proud


Pretty obvious he's trolling. Look at how in every wall of text he spells words differently to the last time he said something. English or no English, you don't spell words completely different just because it's a different day.









The list goes on ^

Troll police out.

Shut Up Kid

Pretty obvious he's trolling. Look at how in every wall of text he spells words differently to the last time he said something. English or no English, you don't spell words completely different just because it's a different day.









The list goes on ^

Troll police out.

Good Work Sgt Troll Protector :nice:


Obvious troll is obvious.

It's funny how in your previous topics you have near-enough perfect English.


hey my frient helped me make intro :P i dotn see wat u r sayen me names 4 .. but ok noob stfu cuz ur b a d at pken :P  :victory:

And you're bad at spelling. I am Dutch and I speak English pretty well. I think your just trying to get attention, never seen someone spelling like that lol, almost everyone speaks English. Sorry if I am wrong. B)

Pointless spam topic go byebye.

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