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Yet another Prayer Poll


Should i get 52 prayer?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i get 52 prayer?

    • Yes
    • No

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Well.. im 72 cb now and I have noticed that i've been fighting quite a bit of pkers with whip/dclaws.

My hitpoints level is only 73 so 52 prayer would only give me 1 cb lvl making me 73.

Vote Please

O yeah.. im 44 prayer atm

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Na, more then half of them pull a sissy fit if you smite them lol. Stay 44 prayer, and get extra strength/hp levels.

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No don't get it, nobody smites and even if you do smite in a 1vs1 fight many people ask you to turn it off. If it's really your goal to gain pointless combat levels then go for it but otherwise stay/max out with 44 prayer.

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Stay 44.  Smite isn't helpful in PvP or Bh.  Even if you kill them when they have no prayer, your not going to get that whip.

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Tap U Hard

idk why 52 would make him think you will get better loot... you dont smite ppls pray off that much.

stay 44 for now m8.

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r e b q r n

I would say stay 44 but 52 isn't really for actually dropping peoples prayer its more of a panic thing... people see their prayer is at 10 then instead of doing the eating then drinking a pot trick thing they just drink a pot and lose that extra turn which happens quite often.

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Crue Nation

I found the only times I ever use smite are when they put it up first or on a foe trip. It also helps a little bit on fire cape for that extra p point per sip of super restore, so if you're willing sacrifice that cmb level for those rare occasions, go for it. My vote is yes though because I'd rather have a smite vs smite fight rather than be the douche telling him to turn it off. People with 52 pray didn't get it to look pretty, let them use what they got.

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Reese l Yourz Purely

The only way I would get 52 prayer is if you pk at green drags, which you can smite the kids when there trying to tank you out. But if your not a east/west drags pker I would say no.

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doesnt matter much in bh since you get random drops, not just the items your opponent has.

no need to get up except maybe to last longer in clan battles.

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