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Advice PKing at Higher Levels.


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Basically, I fucked up and got 11 Defence, when I really wanted 10. I absolutely hate 11, and am looking to move on to higher levels. If you could answer any/all of the following questions, i'd greatly appreciate it.

1.] Can you PK with 20 Defence without hybridding & without vestas/statius? I'm awful at hybridding and don't plan to learn the lame (imo) 2010 PKing trends.

2.] Do the majority of PKers with 45 Defence have Turmoil? I'd consider Piety, but I'm not training to 95 Prayer.

I really don't plan on going above 45 unless I'm convinced otherwise, and I'm not staying 11.

Thanks for you help.


just stay as you are don't raise attack raise strength hp range mage and pk

if you really hate it get 20 but you will probably have to learn some degree of hybriding.


If you get 20 defence you'll have to do some hybridding if you don't pk in max strength

No, most berserker pures haven't got the money/don't want to get 46 defence by the prequests

You should stay 11 till you can afford turmoil (40 defence>45>30), it's only 3 combat levels, 20 defence is not worth it IMO.

By the way, how did you accidentally get 11?


Dont get 20 def unless you plan to use corrupts every fight.

Stay 11, and train your str, range, mage and hp from now on


If you get 20 defence you'll have to do some hybridding if you don't pk in max strength

No, most berserker pures haven't got the money/don't want to get 46 defence by the prequests

You should stay 11 till you can afford turmoil (40 defence>45>30), it's only 3 combat levels, 20 defence is not worth it IMO.

By the way, how did you accidentally get 11?

Dungeoneering :\ I switched to a rapier on shared exp after using magic.


man 11 defence sucks.. my main used to be a 11 def pure and i realy kicked some ass but that was oldschool


20 defence and chaotic rapier, you will rape kids

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