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99 Magic and Range


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Nearly done maxing out.

Should I get 50 attack, or 60 attack; and should I stay 13 prayer, or hit 44 for Easts & FOE Trips? (currently 70 combat)

edit: Pk'ed today with 13 prayer and 99 range (didn't use magic) and did terrible. Got a Zuriel's top, after dying 14 times, but that's really it. 13 Prayer just doesn't work in 2010, so I suppose i'll get 45 and join foe shortly after hopefully.

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See how you do with 13. if its works stay if not get 44.

That's what I was planning on doing, with attack as well. I'm thinking about 75 attack and 44 prayer, similar to Ihana Kyljys

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Pretty unique account, how's u train mage n range?

Did Chaos Druids from 90-99 Range and made about 70M, and alched 99 Magic which set me back by about 34M

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Very nice. I'm fan of low lvl pures with 1-16 pray, so I'd say keep 13 pray and get 50 atk or 60. Completely up to you though. It's highly recommended to get pray for FOE trips, since it helps loads during wars/run-ins.

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Very nice. I'm fan of low lvl pures with 1-16 pray, so I'd say keep 13 pray and get 50 atk or 60. Completely up to you though. It's highly recommended to get pray for FOE trips, since it helps loads during wars/run-ins.

So am I, so most likely i'll stay 13 prayer for a few weeks until I join FOE, and then get 44.

It really won't matter anyway, as I primarily pk at Easts/Deep wilderness.

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guys shut up let him bot if he wants to

nice balls to risk it with using plain auto clicker :D respect :)

13 if you really want to be unique and pk 1v1

when you think about joining foe and get into clan warfare then i would suggest you the 45 prayer since it really helps alot in f2p and dont even dream about tanking in p2p without prays :D

should go 13 first try it out and have fun with it and then go 45 later imo :D

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man bott'd accounts are so overated

i just have no interest in playing legitimate any more, been around since 2004; not really as interested in the game as i was back then.

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guys shut up let him bot if he wants to

nice balls to risk it with using plain auto clicker :D respect :)

13 if you really want to be unique and pk 1v1

when you think about joining foe and get into clan warfare then i would suggest you the 45 prayer since it really helps alot in f2p and dont even dream about tanking in p2p without prays :D

should go 13 first try it out and have fun with it and then go 45 later imo :D

oh well, i've done 6 99 mage's with an auto clicker (garyshood.com), and 0 bans. so not really being ballsy, but yeah.

and i'm probably staying 13 until I join foe (after 90+ strength)

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Just bot up new accounts and get the prayer levels on all so you don't have to pick>.>.

Actually I was going to LOL, but I don't want to do the quests over and over again. I think i'm making a turmoil rune pure, and that'll probably be my last account ever. Already have a maxed main, well a maxed main with 70 Prayer/Summoning lol.

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don't get 44 prayer get 45. 44 sucks balls

if barrage isn't accurate enough at 44 i will.  :nice:

45 prayer is the same cb as 44, no reason to get 44

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