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99 Magic and Range


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Nearly done maxing out.

Should I get 50 attack, or 60 attack; and should I stay 13 prayer, or hit 44 for Easts & FOE Trips? (currently 70 combat)

edit: Pk'ed today with 13 prayer and 99 range (didn't use magic) and did terrible. Got a Zuriel's top, after dying 14 times, but that's really it. 13 Prayer just doesn't work in 2010, so I suppose i'll get 45 and join foe shortly after hopefully.


See how you do with 13. if its works stay if not get 44.


See how you do with 13. if its works stay if not get 44.

That's what I was planning on doing, with attack as well. I'm thinking about 75 attack and 44 prayer, similar to Ihana Kyljys




Pretty unique account, how's u train mage n range?


Pretty unique account, how's u train mage n range?

Did Chaos Druids from 90-99 Range and made about 70M, and alched 99 Magic which set me back by about 34M



Thanks man


Very nice. I'm fan of low lvl pures with 1-16 pray, so I'd say keep 13 pray and get 50 atk or 60. Completely up to you though. It's highly recommended to get pray for FOE trips, since it helps loads during wars/run-ins.

Adam | LayDown

nice, what bot did you use?


Very nice. I'm fan of low lvl pures with 1-16 pray, so I'd say keep 13 pray and get 50 atk or 60. Completely up to you though. It's highly recommended to get pray for FOE trips, since it helps loads during wars/run-ins.

So am I, so most likely i'll stay 13 prayer for a few weeks until I join FOE, and then get 44.

It really won't matter anyway, as I primarily pk at Easts/Deep wilderness.


nice, what bot did you use?

Perfect Fighter for Range, and a simple auto clicker for Magic  B)


man bott'd accounts are so overated


don't get 44 prayer get 45. 44 sucks balls


guys shut up let him bot if he wants to

nice balls to risk it with using plain auto clicker :D respect :)

13 if you really want to be unique and pk 1v1

when you think about joining foe and get into clan warfare then i would suggest you the 45 prayer since it really helps alot in f2p and dont even dream about tanking in p2p without prays :D

should go 13 first try it out and have fun with it and then go 45 later imo :D


Just bot up new accounts and get the prayer levels on all so you don't have to pick>.>.


gratz  :nice:

and id keep 13 prayer, if you dont like you can just get it up


man bott'd accounts are so overated

i just have no interest in playing legitimate any more, been around since 2004; not really as interested in the game as i was back then.


don't get 44 prayer get 45. 44 sucks balls

if barrage isn't accurate enough at 44 i will.  :nice:


guys shut up let him bot if he wants to

nice balls to risk it with using plain auto clicker :D respect :)

13 if you really want to be unique and pk 1v1

when you think about joining foe and get into clan warfare then i would suggest you the 45 prayer since it really helps alot in f2p and dont even dream about tanking in p2p without prays :D

should go 13 first try it out and have fun with it and then go 45 later imo :D

oh well, i've done 6 99 mage's with an auto clicker (garyshood.com), and 0 bans. so not really being ballsy, but yeah.

and i'm probably staying 13 until I join foe (after 90+ strength)


Just bot up new accounts and get the prayer levels on all so you don't have to pick>.>.

Actually I was going to LOL, but I don't want to do the quests over and over again. I think i'm making a turmoil rune pure, and that'll probably be my last account ever. Already have a maxed main, well a maxed main with 70 Prayer/Summoning lol.


gratz  :nice:

and id keep 13 prayer, if you dont like you can just get it up

keeping it until I join FOE probably.  ;)

Guest Emote|Muse

go join the army

I All Pr0 I

Nice acc coming along  :)


don't get 44 prayer get 45. 44 sucks balls

if barrage isn't accurate enough at 44 i will.  :nice:

45 prayer is the same cb as 44, no reason to get 44


Nice acc coming along  :)

thanks lol, plan on maxing it.

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