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Can I Effectively F2P PK With These Stats?


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This is a P2P-Based PKing account, and I was wondering if I'd be decent PKing F2P.

I don't know anything about my level or the typical stats around my level; Just let me know if I'd be good, or it's not even worth trying in F2P. Thanks

68 Combat

Posted Image


If I can only do 'ok', then I probably won't try.

Tap U Hard

at 68 combat, as long as you fight below 70 you sould do fine, will probally be hard to ko defers so stick to pures. Best of luck m8.


F2p is really about skill. Timing, switching, eating ect.. I have a friend whom stats is trash & he 69 cb. He knows how to PK, especially in f2p. He be fighting people with 90+ str and dgaf.

Your stats is good, and you'll do fine if you got some skills.

Tap U Hard

Good words zero.

Y4nk33 D33s

yeah not bad, 44 pray help a bit


It probably helps that he isn't 44 prayer. In f2p the only reason you would need over 31 is for pjers. Best of luck, I think you could do good if you have some good pking skill


Yea, won't be a biggy. Stay the prayer level you are atm.

Belgium Pur3

you could but...99 str pwns more.


untill your balls fall off :D

other than that, nice stats.

bloodz max

yea you can do good f2p is pretty much all about if you kno how to delay or not and for your stats its alright and your prayer is really good.... if you kno how to delay you can fight people that are like 75+ combat also it would help if you kno how to glitch to but you don't need to......and also bring swordies and anchovy pizzas when you see that your low like 10 hp left eat the anchovy pizza....pm me if u need any help in f2p


i got same stats except for prayer and atk and im 58 cmb


You can F2p pk with any stats, but if you have no skill its pointless


There are people with 90 range and/or 99 str at 68 cmb...


at 68 combat, as long as you fight below 70 you sould do fine, will probally be hard to ko defers so stick to pures. Best of luck m8.

I also think u could do well, but you got 60 attack, so maybe it's smarter to fight defers.

Itz Tragic

I have similar stats, like very close to that, cept 44 pray, just try to get their hp lower than usual, try using msb then switch to scimmy for a hit, then switch to r2h for the ko. I get more ko's from the scimmy tbh, but just use the scimmy as risk


You will do well against the average f2p pker but a lot of acc's nowadays are designed purely for f2p.

They will have 90+ range and str and your lvl.... Stay clear of them if possible and you'll do find. Really you need more range as you are melee based by far.

Smited B O W

yeah you be fine, lil higher range would be nice but scim-2h u be ownage

Reese l Yourz Purely

Pretty nice stats, but the only bad thing about F2P pking in my opinion is getting prayer. I hate running to the monastry, but yeah just get used to the switches, maybe go to duel arena with your friends and practice your switches.


Yup u would. Better than me cos im 82 str 72 cb and i FAIL.

Adam | LayDown

ya ud do fine

the bizz xi

Yeah ull be grand, my stats are around the same and i can f2p pk.

Although i have skilllz that killzzz

pur3  poon3r

nah atk too high, ppl like 99 str at ur cb tbh

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