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What is the best way to get charms? I was thinking about spending 30M on bursting Rock Lobsters but idk if pures can even make it back to them. Need help with GETTING CHARMS.


safe spot range waterfiends or burst rock lobs are the fastest ways for charms

Gareth l Rare

spend 1m on raw bird meat (buy in ge will take a week but you will get it)

and use saly on giant rock crabs = free mage exp (not that costly)

safe spot water fiends (check guides for the pures guide to it)

-burst- rock lobsters


but id say fast's is rock lobsters, cheepst is rock crabs hard'st is water fiends but easy if you got good stats


Burst at Rock lobs Free Charms if uj dont care about the monety.


safe spot range waterfiends or burst rock lobs are the fastest ways for charms


Just go kill banshees, you get a tonne of greens and reds from those


Just ice burst rock lobs. You just need 1 person with you to open the gate and if they are nice enough, to lead you to them so u don't have to worry about takin damage really, thats what i did.



Black Demons.

Dust Devils.



Or just train Slayer (Y)


if you kill steel/iron drags you get alot of greens and you can afk them

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