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Gonna get 70 mage now outta the way, then just gonna go straight to 90 range, then 99 str. I'm gonna apply for full member at 82 range.


Lol statius maul rusher


Lol statius maul rusher

Lol nothing like that hehe, I'm a f2p pker anyways, also forgot to add that I'm gonna get hp up too



I'm a f2p pker, no need to get mage up other than for FOE reqs.

Adam | LayDown

botting=perm bann now bud


botting=perm bann now bud

Is it really? wow, I've never been banned for autoing though.


I'd stop botting SW for a bit till it calms down.


I'd stop botting SW for a bit till it calms down.

Yeah I'm doing just that. training mage atm and getting cash.

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