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shit just got real

mr d stroy

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So anyway today i went and chilled with my dad and he brought up buying a durango from some chick for cheap. So i'm instantly curious how how cheap and what kind. So later i find out that the girl needs some money for heroin and thats why they're selling the durango. Well it turns out that the 2003 durango only has 52000 miles on in, and that i can get it for 2 grand. So i'm like shit thats a good deal. So i got my dad to talk to her and try to set it up for tomorrow and he did. So tomorrow ill be getting a durango which im going to sell on craigslist for 8grand for 2. So gg to all, you may be better at merching than me in rs, but not rl.  <3

tl;dr flipping durango from heroin addict for 6grand

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Creamie pies

Ughh dood you wont sell it, For 8 grand someone can buy an audi used 8gs for a used truck is asking a bit too much, Just going about what I looked at because I got about 6 grand and i'm getting my license soon to buy a car.

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Ughh dood you wont sell it, For 8 grand someone can buy an audi used 8gs for a used truck is asking a bit too much, Just going about what I looked at because I got about 6 grand and i'm getting my license soon to buy a car.

idk i see people on craigslist selling for more with twice the miles, but i know ill atleast double my money
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