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Monkey Madness with 1 Prayer??


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I know it's possible to do it at 1 prayer, I just need to know how.

Do I need a friend to help? won't I get raped by those pesky rangers?

My stats: 85 Range / 82 Mage / 73 HP



ive done it at 13 pray its easy bro :) you wont get owned just take brews or something if its your first time they wont kill you i think only put you in jail or something


It's easy with 1 pray and <40HP.

All you need is a someone with pray/def to run you through the tunnel so the Zombies dont attack you, and someone to barrage the monkeys near the lava wall would be good to keep them out of your way whilst you make the amulet things.


You don't even need that..

Just run the whole time and be careful. I did with 1 prayer and no help, it's cake man.


yea i also did it with 1 pray i would just listen to what the above people said and if u dont feel safe u could always bring a friend to do the things stated above to help


Thanks everyone. I'm going to TRY it and see how it goes.


:o never knew its possible with 1 def :O


you need a cannon for the boss at the end, besides that everything is cake. the boss is cake with a cannon, becaus you just hide and wait


You don't really need a cannon.  I just did it with 13 prayer and I think 60 hp or so.  I just brought sharks and super restores for the tunnel - no friends either.  For the final boss, just camp on the outside where you can see his health but he doesn't attack you, and then use fire blast/wave to last hit him.


My brother's done it at 31 prayer by himself... It took him the whole day and a lot of dying and food, but he managed to do it lol


you need a cannon for the boss at the end, besides that everything is cake. the boss is cake with a cannon, becaus you just hide and wait

I won't use cannon, I've never used pray for the boss before, I'm not worried about that part.


Its not hard at all like anyone else says. I have only done Monkey Madness with 1 prayer and 1 defence. I didn't need anyone to help me or anything. You just gotta run past stuff and bring food and stuff.


i did at 47 cb lol

for tunnel, brews, energy pots, and rocktails.


:o never knew its possible with 1 def :O

obvious troll

Ya i am Good

at the very end when ur fighting the demon let gnomes kill it to sliver of hp

then finish it off before they get tit o 0 cus itl get 50hp again but that still isnt hard to kill lol


i did with 1 def 1 pray and monkfish its easy..


Just completed it, it was rather easy. Didn't die, never fealt the need for prayer.

Thanks for replies.


Id just get pray to be fair your going to in the long run.


Get a friend, let him go down with Melee Pray first, then you go down. Gj. Last part: hide from the demon thingy, let the gnomes hit it until it has like 5hp left, then do the finishing hit. Voila Gz on MM with 1 Pray 0_o


ive done monkey mad like 50 times.. so boring now.


Run outside for the archer's, and play carefully with the zombie monkeys.


piss easy.

Tunnels i just took sharks/brews

boss i let gnomes do work then earth waved the bitchs last few hitpoints.

Didnt die once, and it took me 5-6 hours.

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