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D Claws ?

Kiid Ownage

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Kiid Ownage

hmm i keep seeing people saying "Dclaws are overpowered" Are you people saying they are overpowered for there price? cause ive been looking at which to save up for and i see that ags max hit is same as d claws max.. on a pure. but there are pros and cons on them both as ags-good for normal hits and not just spec. d claws-good for pking as you can use both specs in a real fast time.

so im thinking. on the price.. which shall i save for.. d claws or ags. Thanks..

~Kiid Ownage

Its zeh noob

Buy claws and in the mean while safe up to ags, then sell claws and get ags :D


I'd say the same, I think most people who complain about claws is because they can't aford them "me being one of them" i meen, I think rushing and pjing with claws is gay but using them no.


It's easy to get the money for claws to be honest.


It's easy to get the money for claws to be honest.

dont be afraid to go into great detail on how i may accomplish this... cause druids are not loving me right now LOL

hunt godlink

Wrong section

pur3  poon3r

Wrong section


Wrong section.

And D claws, then when you get bored with them.

Sell them, get 75 attk. Sell D Claws, get BGS. Save up for AGS.


Wrong section.

And D claws, then when you get bored with them.

Sell them, get 75 attk. Sell D Claws, get BGS. Save up for AGS.

Do this


D claws mate. Pretty much when you pull them out, rather certain u have won.

Low attack all the way bro.


i think no one should fucking cry about it

there the same as gmaul

Gmaul is overpowered aswell, but its just cheaper

people should stop crying about the overpowering shit


i srsly don't get why people even think about making a post about it.

the weapon is there and it will not be removed.



Anyone who ring of lifes or phoenix necklaces cant die to d claw specs, ever

seeing as though 50% of the kids who pk are nh, probably more, and the rest hardcore combo food with phoenix necklace

Q Santa Jr Q

Claws, Bitches own if u dont got that neclase.


What chad said.

Also, AGS's attack bonuses are godly.


claws then rape people for cash then ags


claws then rape people for cash then ags

I 100% agree this.  ;)
Adam | LayDown

i agree with zeh


Imo, there overpowered, simple as that, Main pking is alright untill you get pjed by max str bonus and claws...

Pure pking, i guess not many pures are rich, however, if they do have them, claws will easily rip through the 1 defence and bad defence bonus.

Also claws has a much bigger higher hit than ags, and the second spec is alot faster. Not to mention how accurate the claws are.

0verated pk

D claws nice now with only 60 attack needed. You could stock some money up and sell d claws later for bgs/ags. :victory:


Anyone who ring of lifes or phoenix necklaces cant die to d claw specs, ever

seeing as though 50% of the kids who pk are nh, probably more, and the rest hardcore combo food with phoenix necklace

true - use different weaps


I think claws are overrated...dds can hit comparably high, and it attacks faster, has more specs and can poison..


its not that hard to tank a d claw spec, do this... Wild pie - tuna potatoe and throw on a pheniox necklace then repeat. But claws are still fun and not alot of ppl tank well. So id get those first. then get 75 attack and get AGS you know what everyone says. Making cash can be hard but i bet you can do it. Look into a skill or blue drags. Definitely farming too.

Best of luck.

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