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Dungeoneering Update

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As the depths of Daemonheim reach ever closer to the strange power at their end, its magic has begun to affect the inhabitants who stalk its halls. Those humans abandoned on the floors above are the lucky ones, as the ones driven further down by their master have...changed, and have been joined by the magically gifted and the undead.

Members who venture through the twelve occult floors will have to face these tainted foes, mostly in the form of six new boss monsters. One boss that requires some skill to defeat is the Grave Creeper, who hides in a series of tombs – if you don’t quickly bless the graves he taints, the room can become engulfed in flame...and you with it. Then, as mentioned in this month’s Behind the Scenes, there’s Yk’Lagor the Thunderous, so named because he’s a talkative guy (voice acting supplied by the developers). Heed his warnings or be the focus of a melee pummelling, but don’t stray too far away else his magic attack can quickly take out your whole group!

Before you get to face these new bosses, you’ll likely come across one of nine new challenge rooms. These are not all exclusive to the occult floors and will tax both members and free-players alike. Withstand the pain of deadly herbs (slaughtercress, papreaper and parslay came from player suggestions in the Aggressive Herbs – Name Ideas! forum thread), build bridges over bottomless pits, and perform last rites on a tormented spirit.

Traversing through the occult floors will allow you to increase your maximum prestige up to 47, with which you should be earning anywhere up to about 40% more XP than if your maximum prestige were 35 (depending upon your dungeon setup and how well you do). In turn, you’ll earn more Dungeoneering tokens – just the thing for buying some of the five new rewards. Free players can learn a technique to become more efficient at smithing and charge special boxes with spells to cast. Members can enjoy such delights as herbicide (an automatic herb burner) and Rigour, a new prayer for rangers, among other things.


Gareth l Rare

Didnt get last but but sounds like a new challenge and a reason for me to dung now :shifty:

All in all, nothing Jad wont be able to kill  :nice:

Its zeh noob

New ring = 6 dds specs :]]]]]]]]]]]


working through the new floorson my main now, I'll tell you what its like after. :D

I'll also tell you how easy/hard the new boss is, if i get one.


Found the boss. It's Runebound behemoth. :| gonna work through rest of dungeon then report back on how hard the boss rapes me. :|

Requires a Prayer level of 74 and a Dungeoneering level of 74. Once used, this scroll will disappear, giving you the following permanent effect: you will gain the ability to use the Rigour prayer, which increases your ranged attack by 20% and your Defence by 25% while active.

(scroll of) rigour, nice for tanks

and the ring (of vigour)

Requires an Attack level of 62 and a Dungeoneering level of 62. The ring of vigour has a strength bonus(+3), and reduces the cost of any melee special attack by 10%

he was quite easy. ;s he's just a bulwark beast, with a shitload more def and alot more complicated.


getting ring at my zerker free 3 d claws speces


id like the melee ring and a rapier :)


getting ring at my zerker free 3 d claws speces

No, due to dclaws needing 40 pct a spec not 20. [with ring]


getting ring at my zerker free 3 d claws speces

No, due to dclaws needing 40 pct a spec not 20. [with ring]

good fight runescap then


Idk if it helps with faster experience etc. 

But I plan on still getting Chaotic Rapier.


New ring = 6 dds specs :]]]]]]]]]]]


i dont understand dung, so idc


Ring of Vigour looks good, +3 str meh ( zerker is +4) not much of a difference but still 10% of spec back is nice. The only application's i can see are:

1. Rushing

2. Training

Other than that, its just a waste of tokens.

My 2 cents =)


To all you thinking 5 dds specs and 3 claw specs..... think of the double d bow spec....  thats why they made the ring seeming the new ranger pray. No clue why its +3 str but that is helpful =]

Im going to get the ring and arcane stream, cls is good but i need more haha


New ring = 6 dds specs :]]]]]]]]]]]

Can you use in pvp/bh?



Good point about the 2 d bow specs, me likes.



now mage is once again the only underpowered thing, unless they put miasmic on chaotic staff with damage increase.


To clear some things up:

1. Ring is only useful for Melee special attacks.

2. The ring only saves up 10% off the special attack, that's 2.5% of the original 25% dds spec for example. After 4 dds specs u would end up with 10% on ur special bar.

Thx to Maining for this ^


not necesary bro, we can read  the rs main pages

Chris (Pur3strgod)

u guys are retarded lol.

u dont get 6 dds specs or 3 claws specs or 2 dbow specs rofl.

it reduces 10% of the 1 spec u do... so a dds spec is 25% of ur spec bar... 10% of that is 2.5% lol. so at the end of 4 dds specs ull have 10% of ur spec bar left.

dotdotdot stupidddddddddddddd

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