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Foe vs TLP Matched F2p Prep

Mike (0BR)

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Foe vs TLP

This fight was to take place in the "Plateau" map in F2p Clan wars.

<!> Rules <!>

-1 def cap

-NO dung/corrupt items

-Matched opts, 40min

Information: Three days prior to today, TLP and Foe agreed to have a matched opts F2P prep in clan wars. Foe maxed pulling approximately 58 people, TLP pulling about 48. TLP did win the first round, but Foe closed the series by winning the last two. Goodfights TLP.

Video of the Fights



- Thanks to David|TooSmart


Round TWO

Foe Starting: 48

Tlp Starting: 48

Foe Ending: 36

Tlp Ending: 0


Round Three

Foe Starting: 48

Tlp Starting: 48

Foe Ending: 39

Tlp Ending: 0

Thanks for the fights, TLP! It's been a blast, thanks for reading the topic![/color]


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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!


HMMMNMMNMNMNMNN Seemed like fun i was to busy flaming MM to go to the prep =(


Was good. i lagged 1st round cz anti virus update as we rushed still managed 2 tank more than half an invy tho. Survived last 2 :) gj every1

  • 3 weeks later...

sadd i missed it due to holiday but owel it was 40degrees when this war was on

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