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dungeoneering is Bs

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare


Get 80 on main then do on pure but if i cant even do on main how the hell am i meant to do on pure

Ok iv been told to solo until level 40/45 then team to 80 but how can i solo if i cant even kill the monsters?

lvl 103 worrier = my whole prayer because i cant hit him for nothing

Boss (wiki says use crush) yes it works but i have to use best prayer or he kills me quick.

Cant use best prayer because all the other monsters rinse my prayer before i can get to him. Go from 70-> 30/40

If i die and go back, best prayer and pro melle, he heals to 80% health and rapes me

How the hell am i meant to kill this fucker  :omg: Worst thing is he's one of the EASY BOSS'S so how can i solo to 45 if i cant kill boss at level 5


Anyone? Help  o.O  o.O

Guest Emote|Muse

Read some guides ._.

Gareth l Rare

Read some guides ._.

link me?  ;o

Wow they all use 2h when wiki says use maul.....  o.O going to try again but this skill is doing in my nut (n)


Dungeoneering bot when it's released in 2 months.


use ranged.... only weapon for pures dungeoeering tbh, safe spot range


easy as a pie im doing dungeoneering atm im reseting in soon i can help you if you want to  :lmao:


im lvl 57 ive soloed all the way upto 47 lol, and its easier as a pure because they are lower cb levels and you have high str/range and such, wanna team with me :D


yeah use range, also set-up your class ring if you havent it helps tons.  :nice:

also im a lvl 67 pure and i kill it without eating lol


Gotta learn what they're weak against.

Crush works well on warriors with platebodies, and slash works well on warriors with chainbodies; or simply mage them... hobgobs have insane mage def, so range/melee them. mage's have 0 range def, so range them. stab/slash the rangers... etc etc...


Dungeoneering is gay anyways

^ This

severed arow

the bosses are easy on a pure cause they are a low level tbh the bosses are a joke


Holy shit i totally agree on that boss... He keeps on frickin healing and I just run out of food and die..


For some reason my prestige stays at 0 and i get half t he exp i should be getting

im mad bro


For some reason my prestige stays at 0 and i get half t he exp i should be getting

im mad bro

Do you reset?


Holy shit i totally agree on that boss... He keeps on frickin healing and I just run out of food and die..

Stand between the boss and the carcass, and he won't heal himself ;)


Gotta learn what they're weak against.

Crush works well on warriors with platebodies, and slash works well on warriors with chainbodies; or simply mage them... hobgobs have insane mage def, so range/melee them. mage's have 0 range def, so range them. stab/slash the rangers... etc etc...

listen to this man ^

i hate dung so i cant tell you much that would help you


For some reason my prestige stays at 0 and i get half t he exp i should be getting

im mad bro

Do you reset?

dude i reset like 4 times already cuz ppl are telling me to, i hate this.


use ranged.... only weapon for pures dungeoeering tbh, safe spot range

Nah, I use this coooool maul and I hardly ever die.


i find those bosses piss easy, and im 20 def :s


Dungeoneering = S*it skill.

Get bored at 19 on main.

Hard to do with pure..


use ranged.... only weapon for pures dungeoeering tbh, safe spot range

You don't read do you?

He's a main.

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