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Quick question.


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I'm 40 attack on my new pure currently and I plan on getting 60.

I know theres certain quest's your supose to do before you just finish up at rock crabs or what ever.

I know both gnome quests, waterfall, fight arena, and moutian daughter.

But just making sure there's no more I need to do and mess up my account.

If I missed one just let me know, please and thank you <3.


Have you done Death Plateau for climbing boots? that gives 3k exp.


Underground pass gives a little

Just go onto Zybez's attack guide, scroll to the bottom and see the quests.

Alternatively, look on Vlooieneuker's pure quest guide in the guides section.

Happy questing :)


Oh, I see that now.

Thanks Nick :).


Wish i did this before i did my pure, 31 pray 60 attk 78 str, stuck on black guants, cause i didn't do preist in peril, and some other bullshit quests.. anyway, Dt? make sure you got the quests down for that before time


Just do all quests that give attack expierence, but not defence, prayer, or summoning.  That way, you don't have to worry about not doing some.

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