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101 SINS pk Vid 4.5


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34 def, you're nowhere near a pure. o.O

But nice video Sins, hope to see your newer pure soon. :]


Hated the edit at like 1:45 and 2:00 was just annoying.

I thought the intro was a fun spin for an rs vid but then you messed it up by randomly cutting off the music.  Take more time and make it sound better...

Just so you know, adding zoom effects and playing with brightness settings for every clip doesn't mean you're properly editing your video  :sleep:

severed arow

very nice account + pking but never change the colour of the screen :/ over editing is not good its all good with zooms ect but all these people using distortion and stuff that impares the veiwers vision is a shit editor :) but you wernt liek that i was just warning you


pretty good 1 question i hear this from alot of pures do you regret tormoil?



" This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. "


very nice vid, i enjoyed it, but hand cannon and you dont use it? waste.


i knnow what you should do different, you should suicide


Maxed Turmoil + Hand Cannon Pure main

Ya i am Good

o nice vid sir


Over use of ss and you complain about people using protect prayers when there's a clip of you farcasting some guy at edge with protect melee up. Improve


hackers are hackers nuf said stupid scruff hack for ur gp


nice edit yo


I liked the beginning and end, I wish you used cannon in atleast one clip.  and the farcasting bit i wouldn't have included... but overall nice vid.

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