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This is bull shit

Creamie pies

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Creamie pies

School starts in 2 days seriously they teach us shit that doesn't even matter In the real world.. Who gives a fuck about past times only midevil shit I ever gave a fuck about was runescape and I actually learned how to manage my bank In this game and now use It in real world  :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:



it helps depending on wat ur doin like...im doin carpentry math helps me

Creamie pies

Well yeah obv for life skills and tec classes Im taking con 3-4 so ill be 99 con soon But other than that History and English are so stupid.


dude it helps it might no seem that way but in college my professers bring up history all the time. it sucks but we all gotta do it.


School is shit. college is much better.


schools not just bout education

social skills

having a bigger outlook of the world

knowing more so u can make better decisions

making friends


schools not just bout education

social skills

having a bigger outlook of the world

knowing more so u can make better decisions

making friends

how u doin with that last one?


alot more fun at colledge to poeple are a lil more mature you still get the randoms who come in and think like theyre like  you know top of the class (the dickhead of the class)

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