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Anyone ever heard of the cla nviet it? they claim they beat foe everyday.read on

severed arow

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severed arow

Ok so i was at avainsies today and this kid called binded ha gf came along i asked him if he was i na clan and he said he was in viet it i said id never heard of them and they said they are the best f2p pure clan on rs i said hmm never heard of you are you a registered clan and whats your member list he replied no i dont think we are registered we dont have a forum we are all friends and we have 20 people, i said rofl my clan chaotic could beat you lol i bet even df could beat you and even if you could beat us you have no chance against foe he he replied "lol foe we own them everyday tbh, they have all ot more people but we ar mor organized and win" i was like what you smoking? your thoughts?

severed arow

Liars gon' lie.

he thought he was being dead serious hes dilarious


They probably beat some random kids with a cc of 35 people, that call themselves foe and think you're talking about them lolz.


i was in a clan in '06 with 6 people we repped so bad until some mains at level 50+ wild came and dropped me for full addy.


i know u dont care but i felt like tellin it ffs

btw i was lvl 50 cb

Gareth l Rare

i was in a clan in '06 with 6 people we repped so bad until some mains at level 50+ wild came and dropped me for full addy.


i know u dont care but i felt like tellin it ffs

btw i was lvl 50 cb

I no how that feels manĀ  :( i once dropped my box of donuts on the way home from school. Was a whole box!

Still had the jam around my mouth when i was on the floor crying


Attention whore wants attention.

Funniest thing i had in my life was a guy lieing to his "best-runescape" friend about his stats :D

Had stat look up open and just laughed my ass off after like 10 mins i was like guy why you lieing to ur friend ur not 60fm as you say ur are 40 i see it here bitch !

then he teled :D


Liars gon' lie.


I hurd of dem but dey keeled me fr ma pixalz n den i wuz sad.


every clan these days all think there #1, kind of annoying


Newbs these days will say anything to try and make them seam not so newby


Attention whore wants attention.

Funniest thing i had in my life was a guy lieing to his "best-runescape" friend about his stats :D

Had stat look up open and just laughed my ass off after like 10 mins i was like guy why you lieing to ur friend ur not 60fm as you say ur are 40 i see it here bitch !

then he teled :D



rofl was it "veit lt" hes some lvl 70 something that thinks hes all cool. i pked with him on spade n head, and he was 1 pray 99 range pking p2p with a no ava. he fails tbh

severed arow

Liars gon' lie.


stop +1ing


he probably killed some foe in edge and thinks hes boss man


probly owned some masser clan of mains

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