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My Challenge to EVERYONE


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I would wreck you if I had MW2 back, i'll get it back tomorrow


Scrambler whore tryhard


Scrambler whore tryhard

I use vector with one man army,hardline,and sitrep,blast shield do i win?


rs related or not who cares take the challenge or leave


I'm on now. Post now if you want to play. Only have like 2 hours.


id do 1v1 quickscopes  but 1v1 asault rifles smgs lmgs i just kill my self honestly its boring no skill at all scrapyard id put fmj on my gun with radar and kill you through everythink


Challenging anyone and everyone 1v1 in MW2 (XBOX360).

If you beat me to 20 I will give you a 76k.. But honestly, I'm unbeatable.

My rules (MLG Rules, with Radar ON).

The map is Scrapyard.

Post up. Will be bumping regularly.

Victim List o.O

You are a bellend and i would smash you in the rectum K thanks bye

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