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Pingfao's Pk Vid 4 - 2010


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EDIT: Vid is now back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.


-80 Attack

-83 Dungeoneering

-99 Str/Mage/Range/HP

-52 Prayer


-Chaotic Rapier

-Vesta's Longsword

-Statius's Warhammer

-Zuriel's Staff

-Armadyl Godsword

-Dragon Claws

-Dragon Dagger

-Dark Bow

-Granite Maul

-Granite Mace



-East Dragons

-West Dragons


*Types of Pking*

-1 v 1




-Fumble O'Brian - Attack Attack!

-Crazy Angel - Kill Hannah

-Trapped - Dead by April

-Escape - The Devil Wears Prada

-Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf



-Camtasia 6.0

-Sony Vegas Pro 9.0

-Adobe Photoshop CS3

*Frequently Asked Questions*

-Why are your vids zoomed in?

I feel like the minimap and chatbox are just distractions, which take the viewers' attentions off the pking/hits.

-What exactly was the 2nd song?

It's mainly "Trapped" by Dead by April with a couple of twists from "Crazy Angel" by Kill Hannah and "Escape" by The Devil Wears Prada.

-Did you edit this vid yourself?

For the most part, yes. I did used a couple of pre-made Sony Vegas templates to create the intro and outro using my own preferences.

-Do you think you're the best Pker?

Absolutely not. There are definitely a lot of better pkers/hybriders out there. I just recently started hybrid'ing so my switches aren't perfect yet, but I'm trying. :]

-What's next after Vid 4?

I'm planning on getting better at hybridding and making a better hybrid Vid 5. I have been thinking about getting turmoil (Maxed 80 Atk, 30 Def), but I'm not 100% sure. What do you guys think?

-Any other questions?

Just post a comment here or on the vid.


I do read all the feedbacks/comments/criticism and appreciate them as long as they are not flames.

-What did you like about the video?

-What did you NOT like about the video? And what should I do the improve the next vid?

-What was your favorite part/fight/KO?


-If you would like to feature/upload my vids onto your channel, pm me for downloadable links.

Thanks you.


Links to my previous Pk Vids:

(Click the names to watch)


nice vid  #team-np son !


Nice vid man awesome...Pro account to i like alot!!!

Cursed Majic

was ok. better than the bullshit videos posted here by wannabes who wanna get noticed.


best pure vid maker in my opinion


Loved the editing, good vid man


Good thing ur scared of me or i might of been in there good vid aswell and u should go turmoil i towns


Dammee, ownage account :D


Really enjoyed that one gj :)


You should put as much effort into spending time getting gr8 clips as you do with everything else.


will edit

good clips, nice combos <3 rapier

idk why it says maxed chaotic turmoil pure tho


You should put as much effort into spending time getting gr8 clips as you do with everything else.

^ I don't get it

But yeah it was cool :)

Its zeh noob

pretty gud

Ranger Ltu21

nice topic xD nice video bro. really.


yeah was really good, better than your others.


will edit.

Like the editing/Borders you add.

Think it needed to be longer/better clips?



Go turmoil fo sho. Pure pking at lv 90 isnt fun to watch.

More varrock Pvp city Hybriding.

Try to be different than other pures


vry nice vid  :nice:

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