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Win All Day ~ High Risk Pk Vid 2

Win All Day

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Nice risks and vid was pretty nice


Was an all-together '10 PK video.

...Yeah, epic risks. But shit PK'er. You should be happy you have 5b+ from staking and the inflation of p hats.

And since the G.E made it so easy for you to gain cash, or you'd be one shit PK'er. Good luck with your videos.

contradicted yourself in there, he is an oldschool player and a good pker infact, nice vid

enjoying the def exp at 1:20?

Edit: Was a real let down, for your next vid use some skill instead of just risk. At the moment it seems without your claws or ags you are nothing.

Not meant in a negative way, just some constructive criticism.


high risks dont make a vid good so yea you use miasmic, ss and full vesta thats easy as fuck yet you still died for 3rd age mage and an ags i believe?


=] thx for comments guys :p


cool vid

would be interesting to see a vid from you without all the crazy bonuses but yea nice job and sick editing


Sick risks, ever lost a fight in gear like that?

Richard (Jub)

Sup man, great vid.  B)


Was ok. Sometimes when you have the best possible gear along with the best prayers it makes watching your videos a little boring especially when your only fighting people in welfare gear or lower leveled.

Try fighting players above your combat level and I will watch your next video.


lol u were pking on shared xp mode, wat a good zerker u r bro


Was an all-together '10 PK video.

...Yeah, epic risks. But shit PK'er. You should be happy you have 5b+ from staking and the inflation of p hats.

And since the G.E made it so easy for you to gain cash, or you'd be one shit PK'er. Good luck with your videos.

contradicted yourself in there, he is an oldschool player and a good pker infact, nice vid

How did I contradict myself?

Staking was all luck, and this video was a 2010 PK'ing video. I didn't call him a 2010 PK'er. Every clip was Miasmic(with robes), and Vesta sets... With AGS, and Claws. Every kill was AGS or Claws... Good job for risking, but safing at 700 every clip isn't risking much.


pretty good i like the risks, good pker

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