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New Mass Ban | New Bot Detection System ::confirmed

Cursed Majic

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Ban me and i'll bot another acc up in less than a month. And the cycle continues.





if they were smart they would just say they can't do anything about bots then ban alot of um, but no, they fail.


i don't bot , but they just keep saying this shit to scare us lol.

there are over 300,000 botters and only about 150-200hundred thousand on runescape at a time.

think about it


lol fair enough, I don't bot anyway


robotzindisguise sry jagex u lose


"defence pures" lol andrew is a new fag


Hopefully they ban 13ths main.


they bs too much but its not worth the risk

ps i lol'd irl at ur pic


i am so gud i never bot


i had to turn the video off, people saying runescape terms outloud makes me cringe.


i had to turn the video off, people saying runescape terms outloud makes me cringe.



I got fucked over by the ban thing, I was no lifing legit at sw and they banned me... Fuck those mother fuckers.


old d scim vote is coming :DDDDD

That would be ownage lol

u srs?


Been 24/7ing fishing for the last week or two and still no ban :D


The only thing they've done is used common sense...

They keep lying, lol.

They're checking to see of any quick mouse movements.

Good bots don't do that.

They're checking to see if they're 100% everytime.

Good bots are random.

They're checking to see if the mouse click goes in triangular, circular, or square shape. Around the *crosshair* of where it usually clicks.

Good bots do not do that.

= jagex fails

Big direct quote found on many bot sites, such as. Robotzindisguise, etc etc.



Been 24/7ing fishing for the last week or two and still no ban :D


meh i got  99str 93 range and 80mil off it so im set for f2p 4ever  ;o


The only thing they've done is used common sense...

They keep lying, lol.

They're checking to see of any quick mouse movements.

Good bots don't do that.

They're checking to see if they're 100% everytime.

Good bots are random.

They're checking to see if the mouse click goes in triangular, circular, or square shape. Around the *crosshair* of where it usually clicks.

Good bots do not do that.

= jagex fails

Big direct quote found on many bot sites, such as. Robotzindisguise, etc etc.


The only thing they've done is used common sense...

They keep lying, lol.

They're checking to see of any quick mouse movements.

Good bots don't do that.

They're checking to see if they're 100% everytime.

Good bots are random.

They're checking to see if the mouse click goes in triangular, circular, or square shape. Around the *crosshair* of where it usually clicks.

Good bots do not do that.

= jagex fails

Big direct quote found on many bot sites, such as. Robotzindisguise, etc etc.


It's all talk imo. Jagex has said multiple times that they're now able to detect all bots. but that never happened...

sure, Jagex may get some fancy new tech to aid them in their quest to get rid of botters. But as their tech advances, so does botting. GL Jagex :)


Face it,Bots will never die,but if they don't try to ban them,then everybody would bot resulting in the G.E worthless since you'd bot everything.

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