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Range or Attack or Both?


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Well I'm pretty bored of runescape and I have been for a while. Even before DP closed I was never online so I can't use that as an excuse for my inactivity. I think we all go through this stage sometime or another, not really being arsed playing etc although maybe setting a new goal will make the game more enjoyable for me!

My current stats are:


Currently achievements:








I currently have about 20m cash and have decided to get 99range. I'm considering pking untill about 85 attack also then just banditing the rest. I'm still not certain on attack as it will make pking pretty impossible although I'm getting rathered bored of 60 and godsword pking doesn't really apeal to me.


I would eventually stay 60 Attack & get addy gloves, but gl on w/e you choose.


99 range 99 hp

Pk for a while, the ask again


I just recently got 75 attack cuz i was bored and i love it, but its your choice.


get 99 range, and stay 6o attack :)


Stay 60 if u pk regularly. If u want to Slay/like to train attack/be higher combat for clw/whatever reason, get higher attack ;p

And yeh get 99 range/hp


stay 60 if anything go for 99 hp and range the attack levels arent worth it


Go 75 attack, Might mix up the fun a little bit.. Have more fun with high spec's.


Get 99 range and hp keep 60 att anything higher sucks tbh


get rapier and then 81 atk :)

Gareth l Rare

Id say get 99range and pk

Get bored then go 70 and whip/ss pk

Get bored go 80 and get rappier/maul

Boss hunting keeps you focused but thats why i triangulate around my pure, main, tanks


Without chaotic I wouldnt recommend attack, even with I still dont know.

Get Ranged

Oh and Scotland ftw 2-1 to Lichtenstein lelelele ^.^


Without chaotic I wouldnt recommend attack, even with I still dont know.

Get Ranged

Oh and Scotland ftw 2-1 to Lichtenstein lelelele ^.^

fatmanus left it late though :p

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