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umm ruined?

x ur 0wnd x

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x ur 0wnd x

I have 75 atk and i'm wondering if i ruined my pure by getting higher than 60 and not 99. did i fail a pure?

Posted Image


No way, godsword pures are intense :P just look at beastdefire.. what are your other stats?


Not at all sir, look at beastdefire or silent stu1.


I don't believe you can be saying this!

By saying that having 99 strength, and over 60 attack is failed, you are saying that about a third of foe are failed.

I think that a pure is only failed when they get 30 defence or over.

It's not what stats you have, but how you use them

x ur 0wnd x

but i see lotsa pures with 60 atk and they're maxed and own. And by not getting 99 i'm kinda in the middle. Also higher atk means higher cb and harder pking. just wanted some more oppinions. Thanks to you all :D


Higher attack also means youre more accurate and can use arguably THE best weapon/s in the game.


If you have a godsword you didn't fail, if you don't, you did.


Not at all? and nice agi btw :)

get 90+ range :p and barrage!


Your Pure's fine. Seriously!



Can you not afford a gs? If you can't then just pk with whip and get att levels.

Adam | LayDown

look at beastdafire hes maxed 75 atk pure and he wrecks


if you get a gs its great


only if u cant afford a gs :P


nah ur good just get 17m for a bgs


75attack is good but i would get range up


Get a gs and your laughing  :nice:

One Last Ko

I just got 70 attack a week ago after being 60 attack for over a year, and 70 attack is the best thing i have ever got in RS. Either gunna stop at 75 or max out.


You ruined it

5tup1d ch0ob

Go watch beastdefires pvp vid II. Hope that ansers your queston.


just make sure you get a Ags to pk or Sarasword. dont use whip and dont get attack any higher and you'll be fine ^^

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