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Main Godwars Team, 125+ CMB

Sacred Term

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Hello all, I am starting a godwars team for 125+ combat mains. You must be really dedicated and be willing to put time into the team every week. In time it will pay off with some nice loot drops. Please post here if you are interested.

Application Form:

Mains Name -

Mains Combat -

Godwars Experience -

Are you willing to spend time every week -

Do you have teamspeak or ventrilo -

Why do you think you would make a good edition to the team -

Contact details:

Clan Chat - Whj

Irc - #sacredgwd


wrong place for this bro :) might wanna just browse rs forums for 120 teams, pretty simple if u ask me, gl anyway


It is the runescape topic forum so I can post anything related to runescape here.


Application Form:

Mains Name - o adobo

Mains Combat - 94 i think

Godwars Experience - did this in tlp as a fun event several times

Are you willing to spend time every week - yes i need to make cash :P

Do you have teamspeak or ventrilo - both

Why do you think you would make a good edition to the team - i can tank easily on a pure so a main cant be much harder plus im not a downy.


Mains Name - Iz Jade Iz

Mains Combat - 94+10 - 99 str 80 attk 20 def 99 hp, chaotic longsword + claws/ags + 83 summoning

Godwars Experience - I did bandos and sara alot on my main legndary pkr, pro bandos =]

Are you willing to spend time every week -  Yeah

Do you have teamspeak or ventrilo - Yeah

Why do you think you would make a good edition to the team -

Im maxed 20 def pure, with chaotic longsword, ags/claws (best spec weps vs bando) and i can use titans and fruitbat (you can store 18 food in fruitbat via a glitch which i know).  Theres really no reason to decline me haha

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