Wtf Clawed Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Example your fighting a foe member and they pray is that nh and will they get booted?
Tori Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 depends who pray first, if they did nh there will be consequences.
Anthony Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 are you bridding back? if so then no, but it's frowned upon. this has been something that has been brought up so many times but some people think that pure bridding must have overheads involved. so it most likely won't get him booted
Mikey` Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 its an overhead, too many circumstances involved that no one can confirm without pic/vid, so no there will be no boot.
You_R_D3d Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 i dont like ignorant foe members like anthony, if you read the rules, it says unless its been said that you can use overheads, or the other person prays first it's NH no matter where the fuck you are in wildy. the only way you're aloud to pray in foe is in trips or if you dont want to fight, in which case you pray and try to get away. if he prayed first then carried on fighting, post a screenshot or videolink to an OP in #finalownage and he'll either get a strong warning if it's his first time on a clean record, or he'll get booted. doesnt matter where you are, edge level 3 is no different to drags level 17.
Sam Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 depends who pray first, if they did nh there will be consequences. ^^ IIff yyoouu pprraayyeedd ffiirrstt tthheenn ddoonn''tt eexxppeecctt aannyy ssyymmppatthhyy ffrroomm aannyyoonnee,, jjuusstt bbee pprreeppaareedd ttoo ggeett llooll''dd aatt..
Twist Trip Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 depends who pray first, if they did nh there will be consequences. ^^ IIff yyoouu pprraayyeedd ffiirrstt tthheenn ddoonn''tt eexxppeecctt aannyy ssyymmppatthhyy ffrroomm aannyyoonnee,, jjuusstt bbee pprreeppaareedd ttoo ggeett llooll''dd aatt.. Have fun!
Anthony Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 i dont like ignorant foe members like anthony, if you read the rules, it says unless its been said that you can use overheads, or the other person prays first it's NH no matter where the fuck you are in wildy. the only way you're aloud to pray in foe is in trips or if you dont want to fight, in which case you pray and try to get away. if he prayed first then carried on fighting, post a screenshot or videolink to an OP in #finalownage and he'll either get a strong warning if it's his first time on a clean record, or he'll get booted. doesnt matter where you are, edge level 3 is no different to drags level 17. lol? i never said i use overheads. just gave him an answer as lots of people in foe pray first when there at drags. personally i don't use overheads cause im 13 prayer
Pieter Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 only at drags or 15+ wilderness we allow praying (we don't encourage it).
Uaex V Jad Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Too many exceptions lol, basically praying in a hybrid fight isnt NH lol, just makes it more pro and more fun =/ Just pm a leader a vid of what proof you have and if we see it as NH, then there are consequences.
Steroids Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Pray should never be NH, you bring more than 1 style into wildy for a reason. Why let the other person have the advantage when they only brought 1 style. Saves them inven space and wepons such a knives are a complete joke if you dont pray against them.
Beastdefire Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Too many exceptions lol, basically praying in a hybrid fight isnt NH lol, just makes it more pro and more fun =/ Just pm a leader a vid of what proof you have and if we see it as NH, then there are consequences. [/topic]
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