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'Get Skill'

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do you think runescape pking takes 'skill'

me personally think it's mostly luck and stats,unless it's hybridding. :ph43r: :shifty:


Not really.  It's basically just timing and luck.


It most definetly takes alot of skill, eating times, choosing when to spec, pray/armour switches, safes/risks etc.. Hits are the only thing that are luck imo.



only thing thats skill is hybriding rest is luck


The only thing skillfull about runescape is hybridding, and that still comes down to 100% luck of what you hit.

Runescape was intended for 13 year olds, 13 year olds are good at nothing which makes it a perfect match


You need skill to do everything.

When you are baby you cant even walk, you need to learn to walk and when you have learned it. You got new ability which is also known as a skill.

So yeah, if you grab a random person and tell him to pk with your account Im sure he cant do shit.


yes and no, only for hybriding though as you said

normal edge pking is all luck


Hybriding, yeah. There's a whole bunch of different strategies you can adopt throughout a hybrid fight. You can't just gear up and suddenly be good at it, takes months of practice before you can even compete with other hybrids


You need skill to do everything.

When you are baby you cant even walk, you need to learn to walk and when you have learned it. You got new ability which is also known as a skill.

So yeah, if you grab a random person and tell him to pk with your account Im sure he cant do shit.

yeah,level 23 you can shave your head and look like mini-me.


if you want to be gud at rs u cant haz a lyfe


You need skill to do everything.

When you are baby you cant even walk, you need to learn to walk and when you have learned it. You got new ability which is also known as a skill.

So yeah, if you grab a random person and tell him to pk with your account Im sure he cant do shit.

hurr i can make personal jokes about somebody on the internet i don't know from the comfort of my chair, despite the fact i've never posted a picture of myself, i'm not a total douchebag atall.


It most definetly takes alot of skill, eating times, choosing when to spec, pray/armour switches, safes/risks etc.. Hits are the only thing that are luck imo.


That made me lol..."hits are the only thing that are luck imo", they're also the only things that get you kills too, when was the last time you saw someone get koed by eating a well timed shark?


zerker bridding - skill

anything else - luck


takes little skill. it comes down to whose going to pk smarter.


u hav 2 be pro 2 pk on rs

ye i pk with claws all the time and make sure i only risk 76k-150k


u hav 2 be pro 2 pk on rs

ye i pk with claws all the time and make sure i only risk 76k-150k

lol, yeah pking takes skill-very little though lol  :lol:


exactly.. no skill all luck unless hybriding. well and when to know to eat, combo eat etc. you get the point

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