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FOE vs TLP [P2P]

Guest Toxic Slay

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Guest Toxic Slay

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Foe vs TLP - P2P Mini


- Miasmic Off
- Summoning On
- Overheads On
- Clanwars

The Lineup

- T3h Evan
- Outofrange10
- I Contr0lz I
- Sefket
- Troo Whip
- One Bullet
- Toxic Slay
- Elven Dreamor
- Pkzero
- Silent Stu
- Il Po0n3d Il

Round 1 ( Classic )
We defended our usual spot in the west for the 11v11 Classic fight. The battle was even at first, but our great discipline and tactic of staying in our defending spot and not getting lured out helped us to gain control and win. We ended the fight with 4 remaining.

Round 2 ( Plateau )
In this round we attacked them 10v10 in Plateau. They chose to defend the Northeast corner, but it didn't work out for them. We had control the entire fight mainly due to some outstanding tanking by Mr. Outofrange10. Our Piling and tanking this round was spot on. We ended with 9 remaining.

Round 3 ( Plateau )
This round was an 11v11 run-in style fight at Plateau. Control of the fight swayed to our side about 2 minutes into the battle. Again in this battle, great piling, tanking, and organization was displayed. We ended this fight with 5 remaining.

Overall we did an outstanding job. TLP has a fierce mini crew and we were able to 3-0 them. Everyone who was there did a great job, no complaints towards anyone.

Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

thats who we needed 2 beat gj guys :nice:


4:30 AM xD

Goodjob guys ^_^

Any vids or anything =d ?


yeah i have vids il upload later


As soon as devon uploads the video...I tanked well :D, fun miniwar to go to...We only had 2 people under 90 combat..:p


Good job, i vidded will get it up when i can


Good job FOE. I'd love to see the video.

  • 2 months later...

vid plz devon im still w8in!


So annoying when ppl bump this shit 0 def.


Cool Id love to attend stuff like this :)

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