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My pure of 5 months... skiller turned pure recently


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Spent most of my time for quite a few months just skilling, was going to go for 99 slayer after getting my range up but decided to stick to training so I'm going for 85 range 85 mage 85 str now. Rate, and please be kind  ;o




Bot? lolol,if you didn't sorry,just most pures these days bot 99 hunt for 32m get 94 mage with that and pk...


amazing starter account, and bank. Good luck with your goals :D


nice man but 99 mining and hunter cmon gratz anyways


Hunter is botted, mining isn't, which is why it took me so long to even get to combat stats :/ I need some help with what I should do with the account because I want to join FOE, but I don't know if I should just be range/mage or tribrid.


I love the mining cape, by far my favorite cape.  Good luck with becoming a pure :)


nice bank and stats :)

keep training and gl with your training.


Nice Account Dude The Cash Will Eventually Go Tho After Training  :victory:


Read his fucking comments you morons, yes Hunter is botted but Mining isn't, so get the fuck over it.


was about to call it shit but then i saw 99mine, even thought it realllly looks botted its pretty aweomse


ive got a feeling that thats a botted account lol, miner and hunter bot are one of the most popular


ya so if he botted? just stfu. let him play runescape the way he wants if he gets banned he makes a new 1 if u get banned ur mad cause ur lost ur precious acc. deal with it.

Gl agen.

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