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mmsyther soulwars cc+site


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I asked before I posted this.

people who use sw to train will probably of heard of "mmsyther" sw cc in w44, we are a cc with no level req, and give fast calls to get its members the zeals, A few of us have been working on a site to start our community off and be more than just a massing sw cc.

If you feel you want to join us, in sw or become part of the site, all information is in the link below. The site isn't fully ready yet but we are working on it and are getting more active each day.

This is all at www.mmsyther.tk

Yes i understand the Invalid format can be a little off putting and This will be changing to a .com domain in the upcoming days.

         Andy -   Foe applicant and mmsyther admin.


site wont let me post a tk domain


mmsythe is a fucking downy, honestly ive known him for like 3 years now he used to lead my old clan, back then he was cool but now hes turned into some sw addict down syndrome kid who has a combat bracelet, 75 magic, not even fucking curses at 136 combat/99 pray.

/end flame


lol sw site? u lead an exciting life my friend. mug.


lol sw site? u lead an exciting life my friend. mug.

dno how that made much sense, but meh.

Also your getting off topic, its here for people who want to use it, if you don't thats fine, but i don't care much of your random flame about it.


lol sw site? u lead an exciting life my friend. mug.

dno how that made much sense, but meh.

Also your getting off topic, its here for people who want to use it, if you don't thats fine, but i don't care much of your random flame about it.

You made a website for a Mini-game, within an actual game. That's what he means. It's embarrassing.


lol sw site? u lead an exciting life my friend. mug.

dno how that made much sense, but meh.

Also your getting off topic, its here for people who want to use it, if you don't thats fine, but i don't care much of your random flame about it.

You made a website for a Mini-game, within an actual game. That's what he means. It's embarrassing.

I didnt make any site, Im an admin there not the owner, and thats like saying FOE site, you made a website for an activity within an actual game, which doesnt seem that embarrassing to me.


bot or gtfo

kids have way too much time to waste nowadays




edit: ya im trolling just so ya know lol dont get mad ;)

gl with it i guess, taking this game a little far i suppose lol


wow stop trolling he just wants to have a good sw unit with legit players that dont bot

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