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My baby!@!


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About a week ago i got back into runescape with a new account. I've been doing a some quests that required me to safe spot but they got my stats up real quick so, heres a week of progress!







'grats and vnice, that you still are 1 Defence, Prayer & Summoning. Gl!


'grats and vnice, that you still are 1 Defence, Prayer & Summoning. Gl!


'grats and vnice, that you still are 1 Defence, Prayer & Summoning. Gl!

Someone who managed to get def at such an early stage in a pure probably wouldn't understand how to register on these forums.

Good progress so far.


Second to last pic 3a probs telling somebody he downed 9000m in pvp wich nobody cares about.

anyway gl and gratzĀ  ^_^


gj so far :)

hope to see ya doing mm soon =P


Second to last pic 3a probs telling somebody he downed 9000m in pvp wich nobody cares about.

anyway gl and gratzĀ  ^_^

Made me lol,

but don't really know the guy so who am I to hate? :o

Good luck on your pure bro :) what's it gonna be?!


Second to last pic 3a probs telling somebody he downed 9000m in pvp wich nobody cares about.

anyway gl and gratzĀ  ^_^

more care about him then you, so fuck off.

grats neeb, gl on MM if you get around to it.


Nice man, those quests level you up fast :P


can you do mm with 1 prayer?


cute baby with a good start gz man


can you do mm with 1 prayer?

ye u need tank skills + black pots (aka energy pots)


can you do mm with 1 prayer?

ye u need tank skills + black pots (aka energy pots)

i'll work at getting it done sometime in the near future then :D

woot, now for 18slayer and animal mag



nice i got my pure up tht wway too lmao :D


'grats and vnice, that you still are 1 Defence, Prayer & Summoning. Gl!

Someone who managed to get def at such an early stage in a pure probably wouldn't understand how to register on these forums.

Good progress so far.

Liam, why so serious/mad?


Second to last pic 3a probs telling somebody he downed 9000m in pvp wich nobody cares about.

anyway gl and gratzĀ  ^_^

more care about him then you, so fuck off.

grats neeb, gl on MM if you get around to it.

sorry but who are you again?

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