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My Foe Account


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dont need 100k leather bodys if its for trips :) else dont wear pink boots to foe trips because mm is pink and we are white else gl :)

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haha nice ;) gl

Gratz on 500th post :O


thats a whole lot of leather bodies.

would suck if you were declined ;)


cream hats not chef hats and foe capes, gl


cream hats not chef hats and foe capes, gl

imma be in Chef Hat Inc pk team, so the chefhats are necasary, ill probably buy 10k foe hats too.


cream hats not chef hats and foe capes, gl

imma be in Chef Hat Inc pk team, so the chefhats are necasary, ill probably buy 10k foe hats too.

r0fl gl on buying 10k foe hats, and im pretty sure you can't be on another team while your in foe, you probably should of researched this a little before making such a huge move.


cream hats not chef hats and foe capes, gl

imma be in Chef Hat Inc pk team, so the chefhats are necasary, ill probably buy 10k foe hats too.

r0fl gl on buying 10k foe hats, and im pretty sure you can't be on another team while your in foe, you probably should of researched this a little before making such a huge move.

Think you can ;)


wtf u gonna do with 100k leather bodies and dont bring pink boots to foe trips.


my f2p gear


this is turning out so good lol


wtf u gonna do with 100k leather bodies and dont bring pink boots to foe trips.


my f2p gear

holy shitballs batman. NICE my f2p returns will prolly be a month or so after i complete this and have like 25k food of ea pizza + swordies


wtf u gonna do with 100k leather bodies and dont bring pink boots to foe trips.


my f2p gear

holy shitballs batman. NICE my f2p returns will prolly be a month or so after i complete this and have like 25k food of ea pizza + swordies

i dont see the point in having "25k food of ea pizza + swordies", but ok have fun with it i guess..


this is turning out so good lol

[sun] [07:32:24] -[AU]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Failed Again be in 9 clans. | Clans: Best Pure Hybrids, Bronson, Dukes, Final Ownage Elite, PvP Lure 2K10, Runescapes Richest Pures Gwas 2k10, Team Inc, Team Monopoly, Zulu

[sun] [07:35:12] -[AU]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Puppet 2009 be in 4 clans. | Clans: Chef Hat Inc, Cig Unit, Final Ownage Elite, Team Skype


wtf u gonna do with 100k leather bodies and dont bring pink boots to foe trips.


my f2p gear

holy shitballs batman. NICE my f2p returns will prolly be a month or so after i complete this and have like 25k food of ea pizza + swordies

i dont see the point in having "25k food of ea pizza + swordies", but ok have fun with it i guess..

Like i said, im just ticking boxes and setting standards on this acc, i like buying mass amounts of stuff, seeing how long they last, and comparing to others, ALSO, if i stockpile on things i need, it tends to make cash aswell as help me refrain from wasting the cashpile i would of had if i didnt buy these items


it might be a good idea to app first and see how that goes  :whistle:


it might be a good idea to app first and see how that goes  :whistle:

Clearly didnt even read this. it says MY GOALS. Meaning, haven't achieved them.


it might be a good idea to app first and see how that goes  :whistle:

Clearly didnt even read this. it says MY GOALS. Meaning, haven't achieved them.

should still app prior to.


it might be a good idea to app first and see how that goes  :whistle:

Clearly didnt even read this. it says MY GOALS. Meaning, haven't achieved them.

should still app prior to.

My account is level 30.


You shouldn't need more than 100-150 of ptp and ftp returning sets.


You shouldn't need more than 100-150 of ptp and ftp returning sets.

i know, imma buy 500 so i never have to buy anymore every again


it might be a good idea to app first and see how that goes  :whistle:

Clearly didnt even read this. it says MY GOALS. Meaning, haven't achieved them.

should still app prior to.

My account is level 30.

and you said you made all the cash pking?


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