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Tehh Skiller

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Tehh Skiller

I used both, but didnt notice a difference, any insight?


Dragon are because the special is dragon breath which hits very high opposed to the onyx bolts which is it heals you for whatever you hit.

Tehh Skiller

Dragon are because the special is dragon breath which hits very high opposed to the onyx bolts which is it heals you for whatever you hit.

alright man cheers for that. :)

hunt godlink

Not really sure but i'd say onyx? Check the bolt strength

Tehh Skiller

Not really sure but i'd say onyx? Check the bolt strength

I wasn't hitting over 30 with onxy, but i can hit up to like 60+ with dragon, it must be the special move it has, the dragon breathe.


With onyx you hit low 50s, drag hits 65. Onyx's range str is higher tho, but the spec is what matters.


Onyx will generally hit more without a spec, when the D bolt spec comes into it, D bolts are better.

im a fat kid

i'ds ay onyx do more dmg overall tbh. Why on earth would they have a higher price otherwise. before, drag bolts were 10k and onyx were 30k, think about it.


its called an antifire tbh use the onyx


Oooh, I never knew what Onyx did. You can combo with Drag and Onyx then IMO :D


D bolts :wub:


Onyx bolts are better in general but based on uses I would suggest Dragon bolts for pvping. The critical damage from dragon bolts scales on opponents defense level. Since most players are pvping versus other pures and that most people choose to win by ko versus outlasting then the dragon bolts are the way to go. Please keep in mind that if your opponent is using anti-fire shield, the special from the dragon bolts will not proc.

Final Rezime

Hmm Dragon bolts are the best option this is because the special hits amazingly, and they are far more accurate with a very good hit %

Final Rezime

Onyx bolts are better in general but based on uses I would suggest Dragon bolts for pvping. The critical damage from dragon bolts scales on opponents defense level. Since most players are pvping versus other pures and that most people choose to win by ko versus outlasting then the dragon bolts are the way to go. Please keep in mind that if your opponent is using anti-fire shield, the special from the dragon bolts will not proc.

Thanks alot for that piece of information i didnt know that!

r e b q r n

It's kinnnd of like comparing a dds and d scim.. the d scim will hit more consistently and harder but the dds' specs have the potential to hit much higher


Dragon bolts (e) is what I use :)


Oynxx on average hits higher than dragon bolts but dragon bolts hit higher at certain times with the spec, i like dragon bolts more


yeah i perfer d bolts because of the spec, onyx would be more useful in say, a dm tho.

Its zeh noob

i'ds ay onyx do more dmg overall tbh. Why on earth would they have a higher price otherwise. before, drag bolts were 10k and onyx were 30k, think about it.

Because a onyx stone is like 10000000000000000x more expencive?????


i always loved d bolts for those hits:

Posted Image

witih your range level you hit like 55 max hit. onyx bolts heal ur hp with spec but you can't ko with them i think they're only good if you wanna win the dm by having more food left.


Really, keep it at 4, your combat will go alot higher and you will probably regret it and there will be no going back. "I got 4 defence, let's get  another 16! :D"  It just ruins the pure imo.


for pking, d bolts because of the special

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