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foe-rs.com for mobile phone

Uaex V Jad

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Final Ownage Elite Mobile Forums

For you Mobile Foe-rs.com users we have a new feature, if you are fine using WIFI loading the complete forums all the time, you can use the regular links. But for a quick view on forums, you would rather just view text and not all the pictures. So following links will only load text, can view message inbox, and can view/post topics and replies to topics.

Either of the following links work, just use whatever works best for you:



Hope you enjoy this.



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  • Uaex V Jad


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  • KGB My StAtZ



Very nice, did you install that?


who would go on foe forums on their phone...


just saying this, but do you have to log in?


@ViBeZz, i go on Foe forums on my phone when i'm bored etc. I have done for like a year.

I'm on my phone now actually. :sleep:


I usually log in with my phone from work. But the new mobile version is awesome. And ye u gotta login


been using this for ages on my phone


I use the normal site for my phone, quick enough ;D


ive been using the normal site for ages on my phone lol


who would go on foe forums on their phone...


solid, i dont have free net usage tho, so im sticking with laptop ;)


The annoying thing for the normal site is... It loads the header, and banner... it uses a lot of data, and for people who go online on 3G, so actual mobile Inet and not WIFI, its expensive :p And 3g isnt as fast as WIFI.

Altho in Belgium its pretty Solid, and since I work for a phone company is free for me, I still rather use the ?wap2, Looks very clean anyways :)


There's something wrong with you if you go on a runescape related site on your phone...


There's something wrong with you if you go on a runescape related site on your phone...

wasting ur time posting, were all nerds, might as well admit it kid ;)


who would go on foe forums on their phone...

I do tbh when I'm bored as fuck in school lol


The annoying thing for the normal site is... It loads the header, and banner... it uses a lot of data, and for people who go online on 3G, so actual mobile Inet and not WIFI, its expensive :p And 3g isnt as fast as WIFI.

Altho in Belgium its pretty Solid, and since I work for a phone company is free for me, I still rather use the ?wap2, Looks very clean anyways :)

w/o everyone's ava and sig its decent. I'm using T-mobile which is a pain in the ass most times but for fora is alright where ever I do  :victory:


Lol when I first saw this on the "final ownage elite presents" I was like "Holy shit Foe pk vid 4"


im not wasting my cash going on forums on my phone where i could just use my broadband paid by my family


Ya, I got free Inet on phone ;)

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