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cant really do slayer while in class so i do some agility



reppin runescape in school, gratz :P


You will get so much shit for this. Rs in school lolol, almost worse than Andy.



lmfao ppl its  a 300 person lecture and I sit in the back because its an easy class


popping bottles with models and just watching them drink


3 def start over.

Loljk nice account ;)



Congratz man


Lmfao, wish i had a fail school like that, but in my school evry fkn site is blocked for "Pornography"


I played rs in my biochem class last year and no one cared. AND all my friends know I play rs... none of them judge me by it.

If your friend(s) dislike you for playing runescape, then you people need to get real friends who accept you for the person you are.


I played rs in my biochem class last year and no one cared. AND all my friends know I play rs... none of them judge me by it.

If your friend(s) dislike you for playing runescape, then you people need to get real friends who accept you for the person you are.

Someone with a brain replies, thank the lord!

Sam|L A S T Dayz

agility bores me but congrats on lvl 90.

the net in my boring lectures is too poor to do anything but take notes. doesnt help that the walls are solid concrete in a few of them


lol nice. rs n back of class  :ph43r:

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