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How would making a zerker PKer be?


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So I'm soon done with my F2P PKer, now wondering what I wanna do next.

I've been thinking about making a 45 def PKer (60 / 80 / 45 with venge) - but as I got no clue about them today.

So I'm asking FOE community to tell me your opinions, how making a zerker is today.

With 60 attack, 80 strength, 45 defence, 70 ranged and 94 magic I would be 80 - 82 cb depending on hp (lvl 70 - 80).

If you feel that you can help me but got no clue what to tell me, I'll give you a few questions:

1. What do a zerker PKer wear these days (when PKing 1v1), with 60 attack?

2. How expensive are zerker PKers today, PKing with the ordinary PKer's gear?

3. How much cash would you recommend me to have when stepping in to BH to have some fun, not running out of supplies after 5 deaths?

4. If you know any updated in-depth zerker guide, please link it or I assume you would be my guide.

Considering what I generally wanna know is - what to wear and how expensive (both time and coins)?

If you think I should go on and do this, or thinking of that I'm a complete retard, or should make a 1 def pure / hybrid then tell me so but have a good reason to strengthen your words with.


Well er...

Q1: Zerker pures generally wear zerker helm, rune plate, rune legs, rune boots, barrows gloves, and that stuff

I would jump straight to zerker pure, but start as a pure

also, look at pking vids n stuff - I think taco limey is zerker pure, and see others and stuff


Just make sure you do Nature Spirit, Dragon Slayer and fremmenik trials before you get any defence, otherwise you'll fuck yourself over :P If you want to be the best you can be as a zerker pure they take ALOT of work, because of the amount of QP you need for barrows gloves etc.


Well er...

Q1: Zerker pures generally wear zerker helm, rune plate, rune legs, rune boots, barrows gloves, and that stuff

I would jump straight to zerker pure, but start as a pure

also, look at pking vids n stuff - I think taco limey is zerker pure, and see others and stuff

You seem to know what zerkers wear so could you just spend a minute and tell me more exact, like I'm a bit confused when it comes to what shield since defenders are untradeables, and shouldn't I wear that Neitiznot helm, it's cheaper with same strength and with prayer bonus?

And is really Taco Limey something to watch? I mean I can't really see him doing 1v1's only some nh rushing with leeches around him...

Too I love to watch 45 defence PKers videos but I did quit after Wilderness got removed so haven't seen any of PvP or new BH, that is with no untradeables (or just dumb to bring).

Pur3: "... amount of QP you need for barrows gloves etc." etc. what?

Maybe it doesn't matter that I tell you but I got an old F2P pure with 44 att 69 str, with dragon slayer done so 35 defence that would be my zerker PKer (if..). Got 100 k cash on it so I would need to make some more cash, looking forward to it...


Just make sure you done the def quests, needed for barrows gloves.

Neizinot helm is 55 def, so you use a zerker.

Some use rune defenders, but if you die with it, you have to kill cyclops again to get one. Other people generally use rune kiteshield


I had a zerker before, just tell me your questions and I'll answer.

About videos: T H E do0rs is the best Rune Pure alive in this game. If you want to see a hybrid Rune Pure, lvl 56 n00b is also a good one.


While waiting for answers I've been browsing Valhalla forums for probably 2 hoursĀ  :embarrased:

Thanks to all who reply.

I had a zerker before, just tell me your questions and I'll answer.

About videos: T H E do0rs is the best Rune Pure alive in this game. If you want to see a hybrid Rune Pure, lvl 56 n00b is also a good one.

Thanks I would PM you my questions, and T H E do0rs is such a god to me...

I think I should get my questions answered by now, so I will lock this topic soon.


I will try to answer any smaller style questions you have


I used to have one without veng and honestly i think you cant profit without vengance.

If your cheap use initiate and if you have money use rune.

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