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bad Bitch

Best 09 Pure

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                                                          [glow=red,2,300]100% Legit.[/glow]




                                    Wish u can make a pure like that? :p


My lvl 55 mini pure has more quest points :p

App for full member ;)?


wow the perfect account. i buy!!.. meme meme :wub: :wub: :wub:


Thats a bad combat statted again, IE 16 prayer, but the WC isnt too bad.


My lvl 55 mini pure has more quest points :p

App for full member ;)?

hm impressive then. not that i dont believe u but show me? :p

dayum!!! pretty beastie for a 64cb. obviously put some thougthts into the account. i assume u already done some major quests like rolving elves, regicide, along wif addy gloves ect.. at 129 qps. but bcuz of the low cb lvl i give 9/10. nice acc.


My lvl 55 mini pure has more quest points :p

App for full member ;)?

hm impressive then. not that i dont believe u but show me? :p

Hmm nvm, just checked, had 112 Quest Points, thought I had a lot more, sorry ;)


I have made pures like that. Nothing special.

Your qps are shit, so stop thinking they're good. And before you go 'you don't have more', i had 170ish at that combat.


I have made pures like that. Nothing special.

Your qps are shit, so stop thinking they're good. And before you go 'you don't have more', i had 170ish at that combat.

lol so jealous.. jk. But jesus christ every1 comments no one rates.  :sleep:

Jesus christ, i hate you already,

1/10 for being a cocky cunt. Merry Christmas.


dayum!!! pretty beastie for a 64cb. obviously put some thougthts into the account. i assume u already done some major quests like rolving elves, regicide, along wif addy gloves ect.. at 129 qps. but bcuz of the low cb lvl i give 9/10. nice acc.

ofcourse.. i had addy gloves since i stepped into da wildy crushing all my lvls. practically went ftp and leaving for awhile since i cant find one my match.



dayum!!! pretty beastie for a 64cb. obviously put some thougthts into the account. i assume u already done some major quests like rolving elves, regicide, along wif addy gloves ect.. at 129 qps. but bcuz of the low cb lvl i give 9/10. nice acc.

ofcourse.. i had addy gloves since i stepped into da wildy crushing all my lvls. practically went ftp and leaving for awhile since i cant find one my match.


hey, i'll fight you, hook me up

'grats, I'm combat 62 with 1 Defence, Prayer & Summoning, 1530 total & 165 Quest Points. Had addy gloves @ 41 combat & Crystal bow/Dragon halberd @ 43. Nice account, (Y).


Spiral will destroy you lols


dayum!!! pretty beastie for a 64cb. obviously put some thougthts into the account. i assume u already done some major quests like rolving elves, regicide, along wif addy gloves ect.. at 129 qps. but bcuz of the low cb lvl i give 9/10. nice acc.

ofcourse.. i had addy gloves since i stepped into da wildy crushing all my lvls. practically went ftp and leaving for awhile since i cant find one my match.


your a cocky faggot 100% botted account 1/10 fuck off.


very nice :) join foe ;P


1/10 simply because of your cockyness


Lol who'd envy that shit acc.

Cocky noob, go die. ;)


Lol who'd envy that shit acc.

Cocky noob, go die. ;)

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