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ive returned!- 50 attack maul hybrid


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12th November EDIT:

Hey im back after a hard month of playing. I managed to achieve nearly all my dream gear including barrows gloves and enchanted rings


All i need now is a fighter hat, arcane stream and void mage helmet and ive got all the gear id want


I also trained a bit through slayer etc

My current aim is to get a fighter hat, void mage helmet and then train str, range and mage at the same time to 91. I have also decided not to train to 94 mage, but only to 91- because i realised that id be mage based, and so 91 mage will make me a full combat level lower with same effect with mage potion. I will also go for 70 slayer and farming, and aim to make around 30m before i start bridding in void sets.

I hope you can all see where im going in this picture..


Obviously i will have void mage helm. The leaf bladed sword and dragon bolts and rune crossbow are items i may sub in sometimes

Thanks for reading and comment on your opinions on this type of account and any recommendations you may have

hey foe i quit for a month or so but now am back on my new account 'M_B'

67 Combat

Im going to be making this account into 50 attack void hybrid as i cant say ive ever seen a decent one around.

Stats i want are:

50 attack

93 strength

42 defence

90 hp (will keep as low as i can but fuck soulwars and pc)

95 range

95 mage

45 prayer

84.975 combat

Brief to do list in order of what im going to do:

-59 hunter> cannon> train 75 range

-lunar diplomacy

-55 slayer, dagon'hai robes

-mobilising armies 300 rank,

-ALL void pieces


-regicide, rolving elves

-175 questpoints for barrows gloves

-alch 94 mage

-train range and strength

methods im going to pk:

am going to use cannon and maul when eco-bridding and void sets. Will use mage void, range void with cannon, and melee void with maul. I will also need to experiment with the new void deflector as it means that 42 defence is now the requirement for max strength (void set 10% bonus + barrows gloves). and apply a leaf-bladed sword for ragging your low defence with. Also am going to try range and mage void only bridding, with rune knifes and cannon.

i have one worry; i dont want to be bashing rock crabs until 90 strength like i did on my 50-91-1 maul pure. Does anyone know any brilliant monsters to grind on with 50 attack? using prayer pots afk is preferred

Also, me and a real life friend both have characters around the same level and both want arcane streams- quick answer; can we get 70 dungeoneering at 67 combat without any real struggles?

thanks for reading and any help you may give


you better not be a rusherfag


you better not be a rusherfag

i am


This the account you want pretty much? I made this acc a while ago and it soon got boring when I died twice for void. Was 45 pray.



not even gonna get 95prayer?

hell no

if theres one thing ive learned, 50 attack doesnt hit on SHIT, and 50 attacking with 85 str at fucking 90 combat will just be ridiculous as tanks and other rune pures with 60 attack will slaughter me. compared to 50 attack 90 str at low 80s where ill find majorily 40 defence rangers and 1-20 defence pures

oh and the little problem of it being 100m~ and my already expressed hatred of soulwars


Pretty much, yes. Although im going to be doing a lot more actual bridding then just cannoning and maulling like i recall you doing when i used to fight you. + im going to have barrows gloves whilst you just had rune, which will allow for more efficient pking methods.

Although i do wish i could buy a bot like you did and soulwar myself to them stats


o gl making a 50 att voider :0 they own:p had 1 as target hard to kill :P cannon to g maul ftl


gl, making the account nice one u got there :)



Pretty much, yes. Although im going to be doing a lot more actual bridding then just cannoning and maulling like i recall you doing when i used to fight you. + im going to have barrows gloves whilst you just had rune, which will allow for more efficient pking methods.

Although i do wish i could buy a bot like you did and soulwar myself to them stats

All I did was hybrid easts/city, its the average boring acc when you lose the void. You'll get 60 attack dw.



Pretty much, yes. Although im going to be doing a lot more actual bridding then just cannoning and maulling like i recall you doing when i used to fight you. + im going to have barrows gloves whilst you just had rune, which will allow for more efficient pking methods.

Although i do wish i could buy a bot like you did and soulwar myself to them stats

All I did was hybrid easts/city, its the average boring acc when you lose the void. You'll get 60 attack dw.

ive had various past accounts with 50 attack and then got 60, i have a nearly maxed 60 attack rune pure 'Hard Japseye' (Lamp/Rock Japside) which is my definite reason why im not going to get 60. if i do get bored ill just quit it and play Japseye


Interesting account, good luck man :nice:


Nice acc tbh gl with it i just made a "to be" 60 att turmoil rune pure


wow nice starting stats,cashpile, and quests man looks like a epic account in future

  • 1 month later...

Goodluck training up and Welcome Back!


Very nice update, very nice account. :)


nice account gl

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