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Ha Beaten


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Hi, My Rs pure account is called Ha beaten :o.


Well my bank is basically claws... i spend a few items on pk supplies and now left to 600k.

Should i sell claws for barrage?

And what should i do next?

(btw im on addy gloves, i just need to do the monkey ambassador which requires 70 cooking and a higher agility i believe).

Please give me some advice :P


just train ur str get it to 90 and apply :=)


YH true ima hardcore soul war O_O


What range level have you got pictures to small to tell but why 25 def? and if you do go sw make sure spend some points on hp. But good luck just work on what you are going to be using the most so strength I guess.


Well i don't know why i got 25 def lol, kinda reget it now:s but... ill have to train more. Yah range is 86 lol


Sell claws, they're shit.


start over

25 def.. also never spend ur full bank on 1 item, no 1 item is worth having no cash left to work with


with 25 def you better have like triple 90+'s

Gareth l Rare

Your guna need 90str/range/mage to appy as mike said

Sell claws, no life money making for 1 whole day = 33>40m easy

Train and appy. Gl

25deff = corrupt so your going to need 40/50m bank to cover supplies anyway


Roflmao, 25 Defence, 32 Prayer, no rune gloves, bad stats. Idk, start over?


I wouldn't start over o.o, im planning to get 45 pray anyway. Plus, ive done the lumbrigde sage rfd. Only left is the monkey ambassador. So i will stay at 25 def with rune gloves anyway. @ RARE thank you thats a really good advice.:)


Meh no offence but i'd really start over if i had that account, there really is no reason to get 25 defence purposely, and it's not too late to start again, i'd start again, and this time do it properly, and if you actually wanted 25 defence, you're insane ><


25 defence is good for hybriding don't listen to these mugs.


Broodoo shields




train that range and str up cuz gunna be rough to have low stats with 25 def ;\


whats wrong with 25 def o.o ive seen alot of 25 def pures that owns >.>


I'd restart. But if you're not gonna train your range / mage first.


with 25 def you better have like triple 90+'s


oh ok, progress is i leveled to 87 range...getting 94 range and mage then 85 attack with 45 pray? good?

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