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Friday P2P, Ft. 60 Foe Vs 81 MM


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Mayhem Makers need Signups?:O!...no...THEY NEED SIGNUPS AND HF


Vidded by Eazy


We peaked at a low 65 for today, but that obviously didn't matter lolz

MM ran into us once.


This fight took place east of mossies in multi.  We weren't aware of how close MM was to us, so we weren't all spread.  Once they charged us with their 80 peeps, we quickly got our spread and destroyed their massive clumps, easily wrapped around them, and continued to destroy them until Hf arrived (They ran through MM to get to us)

Foe Starting: 61

MM Starting : 80 [scouted]

Foe Ending : 45

MM Ending : 20ish





Was an awesome trip, minus the first 45 minutes where MM sat up on the hills south of Gap, outopting us by atleast 15, waiting for us to come so they could gwas us..lol.  

Everyone surely expected more out of MM's 1 last strive towards staying out of a slump, We can always wish them better luck for tomorrow!



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