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What Should I Do Now? :/


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Here are my stats and my bank is worth 10m what should i do know? should i get 40 range and complete vampire slayer then go members?

NOTE: I want to join FOE :)



Only for 10m cash doing mining.


Depends what type of acc u want, what goals uve got etc


Bassicly the stats i need to get into foe. like 60/90/1 and 82 mage 80 range. need to do monkey madness ect.


There u go, uve answered ur own question then :p just do all that


Not really, because i dont know what quests ect in order so i dont go over 60 att ect :/


What i did on my pure was go for max qp at low lvl, then it saves any worry, just whether u can be bothered or not lol


What are your current stats on your pure?


L2spell first, Clarkie. Then I will help you...


Oops, just realized that mistake :/ dang.


gnome quests and death plateu..


start getting foe reqs

Okay, any quests i need to do while ftp then i will go member and get stats.


Do all quests in F2P you can, except The Blood Pact, Dragon Slayer & The Restless Ghost.. only do that if you think you're going to get Prayer.


get addy gloves or mith 13 prayer 70 str range magic do dt and be a bows :)


Not to be a troll or anything but this is stupid? Search for "How to make a pure" it tells you EXACTLY what quests are needs for what, as for stats, just train to 90 range and 94 mage simple with 43 prayer and on trips ur as good as any1


Get membership right away, f2p is useless, no f2p quests needed really, get 14hp, do waterfall, then do fight arena, then tree gnome, then grand tree. then death plateau, train some stats, do monkey madness, train more stats, do DT.


look at the guide on how to make a pure in the guide section, its stickied

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