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haven't done this in a while


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CC would be very much appreciated  :D


nice bro :)

i allways wonder you guys can make so good drawing

Gareth l Rare

Compared to your other work i  don't really like it.

Render colour+background colour don't match

The background (likely) is 100% brush + colour overlay as i had similar brushes which resulted in same backgrounds.

Its not blended in hardly

The focal point is mainly the text as its first thing i noticed which is not a good thing + all the extra background space.

=/ sorry dude but just being honest.


Compared to your other work i  don't really like it.

Render colour+background colour don't match

The background (likely) is 100% brush + colour overlay as i had similar brushes which resulted in same backgrounds.

Its not blended in hardly

The focal point is mainly the text as its first thing i noticed which is not a good thing + all the extra background space.

=/ sorry dude but just being honest.

Summed it up pretty much :p its still nice, just i know u can do better


There is like no blending at all its just a render slapped onto a background.


Compared to your other work i  don't really like it.

Render colour+background colour don't match

The background (likely) is 100% brush + colour overlay as i had similar brushes which resulted in same backgrounds.

Its not blended in hardly

The focal point is mainly the text as its first thing i noticed which is not a good thing + all the extra background space.

=/ sorry dude but just being honest.

:p no need to be sorry i asked for cc. thanks  :lol:

i noticed the text was the focal point and really didn't know what to about it  :mellow:


Wasabi if you add me on msn I could teach you how I got started.


Enough cc has been stated. I want to see more stuff from you now. Keep tinkering around


you got it stand you sexy manbeast  ;)

will probs be updating out of PS 7 to CS 2+ hopefully soon  :D


uber pwnage  <3

love it


blend theee rendaaar


uber pwnage  <3

love it

no u

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