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This is why chicks shouldnt date /b/tards

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare


BOY meets GIRL

GIRL falls in  <3 with BOY

BOY leaves girls and posts her nudes on 4chan + her facebook and details

4chan raid and RAPE her





Result of /b/





One of my ex's decided to post nudes on her fb coz she thinks she's 2fit to handle? Na just too full of her self  :wow:


Well i posted 1 girl, guess i must post moar








I am not held responsible for any sticky keyboards after lurking through this topic.  :nice:

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Post Hot Girls, use it.

The blokes a faggot, hurrrr let's fuck up an innocent girl's life over a failed relationship, what a kid.

Also, the person who made that demotivational is a moron... That says "Tit is, because even spiderman gets horny." God I wish kids could use apostrophes correctly.

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She hot.

she's a trap!

The girl without the leg went combo breaker on my dong

i think you're confused about what this combo breaker business really is.. does yaou undestrand teh defenetien of teh frase luke?

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She hot.

she's a trap!

The girl without the leg went combo breaker on my dong

i think you're confused about what this combo breaker business really is.. does yaou undestrand teh defenetien of teh frase luke?

Well it is combo breaking if

Pic 1- Boner

Pic 2- Boner

Pic 3- Boner

Pic 4- No Boner


And TJ, you are a moron, l2grammar.

love you really  :wub:

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Post Hot Girls, use it.

The blokes a faggot, hurrrr let's fuck up an innocent girl's life over a failed relationship, what a kid.

Also, the person who made that demotivational is a moron... That says "Tit is, because even spiderman gets horny." God I wish kids could use apostrophes correctly.


This is the reason, amongst other things i completely avoid facebook. So many immature fucktards to deal with.

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Post Hot Girls, use it.

The blokes a faggot, hurrrr let's fuck up an innocent girl's life over a failed relationship, what a kid.

Also, the person who made that demotivational is a moron... That says "Tit is, because even spiderman gets horny." God I wish kids could use apostrophes correctly.

here you go you bloody whore lol


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They deserve it.

How do they deserve it? She did nothing.

Some asshole just decided to post nudes and leak them everywhere until she suicides.

You're an idiot.

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How do they deserve it? She did nothing.

Some asshole just decided to post nudes and leak them everywhere until she suicides.

You're an idiot.

HURDUR, I'M A WHITE KNIGHT FAGGOT. They're the ones who gave him nudes. That was their first mistake.

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Post Hot Girls, use it.

The blokes a faggot, hurrrr let's fuck up an innocent girl's life over a failed relationship, what a kid.

Also, the person who made that demotivational is a moron... That says "Tit is, because even spiderman gets horny." God I wish kids could use apostrophes correctly.

here you go you bloody whore lol



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How do they deserve it? She did nothing.

Some asshole just decided to post nudes and leak them everywhere until she suicides.

You're an idiot.

HURDUR, I'M A WHITE KNIGHT FAGGOT. They're the ones who gave him nudes. That was their first mistake.

White knight, you realise this is FOE, not 4chan right? Fuck off back to 4chan. And Connor I highly doubt she suicided, it was obviously her talking to him on the account lol. But yeah, posting details and naked pictures on 4chan just because he's butthurt over their failed relationship is soooooo fucking pathetic and immature it's unfathomable.

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Gareth l Rare

They deserve it.

Hi, nice to meet you  :nice:

You sound like a very intellectual individual who has a vast knowledge of life's experiences so please  :Hi: share your greatness with us.


Trolling on OT is like trolling on /b/ your not going to get no were so fuck off to MM forums kid.


Jef|Ohh owned you TJ  :wub:

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