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Lol these forums, and all pure clans forums are just retards flaming retards, it's not your fault. It's the fact the average age of pure clans is about 14.

not in ot..

Yes in OT, in all guest boards. For example, you retards and Steroids always flaming each other, nobody cares, get over it.

Join Foe, view the member boards, nobody ever really flames each other, everyone respects each other and is generally helpful (but then again there are a lot less retarded threads).

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Lol these forums, and all pure clans forums are just retards flaming retards, it's not your fault. It's the fact the average age of pure clans is about 14.

not in ot..

Yes in OT, in all guest boards. For example, you retards and Steroids always flaming each other, nobody cares, get over it.

Join Foe, view the member boards, nobody ever really flames each other, everyone respects each other and is generally helpful (but then again there are a lot less retarded threads).

Mems boards are the absolute worst no offence but there's so much +1, idiocy, retards and general fucking sad sucking up theyre awful lol ;) no im going to far theyre not that bad but u get my drift
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Gareth l Rare

^actually vast amount of OT are 17+

Were only flaming steroids coz it was fun at the time + we had a reason for it.

It wasn't mindless flaming and if you look around no one doing it any more.

We got our point across and if you still think OT are a bunch of mindless 4chan drones then kkthnxhaveaniceday

quite frankly we dont give a monkeys.

We no the truth, people who no us know the truth so everyone els can think w.e they want tbh

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Lol these forums, and all pure clans forums are just retards flaming retards, it's not your fault. It's the fact the average age of pure clans is about 14.

not in ot..

Yes in OT, in all guest boards. For example, you retards and Steroids always flaming each other, nobody cares, get over it.

Join Foe, view the member boards, nobody ever really flames each other, everyone respects each other and is generally helpful (but then again there are a lot less retarded threads).

Mems boards are the absolute worst no offence but there's so much +1, idiocy, retards and general fucking sad sucking up theyre awful lol ;) no im going to far theyre not that bad but u get my drift

That's generally cos the majority of the members of Foe hate you.  ;)

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^actually vast amount of OT are 17+

Were only flaming steroids coz it was fun at the time + we had a reason for it.

It wasn't mindless flaming and if you look around no one doing it any more.

We got our point across and if you still think OT are a bunch of mindless 4chan drones then kkthnxhaveaniceday

quite frankly we dont give a monkeys.

We no the truth, people who no us know the truth so everyone els can think w.e they want tbh

I know these guys as he said and hes 100% right im not +1ing im supporting this  :nice:
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