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8 defence

Life To Dds

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so i got 8 defence today i was 6 and did d halberd spec then got 8 def:s so i am gonna get 20 def now will update this when i got the stuff :0

rip pures i will become a fucking main now :d 20 defence son



Never train def on purpose, even when ur 8 def :(


dont train def to 20

you will just endup getting 45 after


I remember when i got 3 defence on deeeef, i was so pissed off and wanted to get 20 badly.

I got 20 and got slayer helm, it was fun. but then this happened :{

so i got 25 and it was less fun, but good look mate with 20.


I remember when i got 3 defence on deeeef, i was so pissed off and wanted to get 20 badly.

I got 20 and got slayer helm, it was fun. but then this happened :{

so i got 25 and it was less fun, but good look mate with 20.

hmm ty i will stay 20 def and hope i don t fuck up with def cus the first time i got 6 def my bro did and i never get def exp on purpose etc so i stying 20 with dagonhai robes and rune gloves and be main main :D


Im not being nasty, but how the fuck?


unlucky man get 10 n keep it


Main unit ready XD


U shoulda just got 10 and stayed.

Guest Sowat Impure

dont train def to 20

you will just endup getting 45 after

Lies^. im still 20 def nuggas


wow thats some bad luckĀ  :upset:

have fun with 20 def ( i know i do )

Benny The Leak LMAO

Owies I've heard alot of people say they enjoy 20def more but there are arguments for and against. hope you decide it was the right choice for you =D

Guest Emote|Muse

"in holland u can fuck whores and smoke weed its lego" - life to dds


right choice getting 20, i couldn't stand looking at 8 myself rofl


honestly since all the new stuff to 20 def ive been 1 def so if i ever did 20 def i wud be unsure what to do like dragon hai slayer helm summoning bonuses on armourĀ  im 1 summon to so itd be new to me+ i hate slayer



Never train def on purpose, even when ur 8 def :(


just get 70 def and go hybrid... trust me its way more fun.

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