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Its zeh noob

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So I got the sword on saturday...

Wanted to grab some higher hits, but I buisy with school atm. So here it is:

Actual quest:

Highest so far:


nice is the quest even hard, it got added to master quests


nice is the quest even hard, it got added to master quests

Not really, ull find most of the "master" quests are only there because of what u have to do to unlock them & reqs.. not the quest itself

& Gz on the sword



might try to get that on main


Not bad, is it worth getting? I have all reqs etc o.o


#1 Dutch Main


nice is the quest even hard, it got added to master quests

The last fight is pretty hard for pures. The boss is like a big tank which hits shit, so it's a long fight... Remember that I used extreme pure set to kill it.

Not bad, is it worth getting? I have all reqs etc o.o

Yea, spec is extremely accurate and everyone prays melee against it (spec is mage based).

But in +1 ags still beats it


pretty cool, nice


nice! worth nothing and gets u some pwnage l00t


omg nice!

gj sir


how much is the sword, or do you get it for free?


'grats and the sword is free, if you lose it, you have to pay 250k to get it. The spec never misses and 20 Defence pures can hit about 600+s with it. Known so far..


Nice ownage account

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